Leah M. Why does it look delish?

On the last Sunday in October, the french speaking islands in the Caribbean celebrate international creole day. Being away from home, my family celebrates this day just as we would if we were back in St.Lucia. We prepared food that you would find at the creole festival. Food items such as Pig foot souse, stewed local fowl, lambi (conch) stew pork, black pudding (blood sausage), penny piece, smoke herrings, green fig and salt fish which is the national dish of St.Lucia by the way and lots more. I chose this particular dish prepared by me so my family could enjoy which they did. The dish featured is pig foot souse with a cool cucumber salad. The sourness from the limes squeezed in the cucumber salad and the crushed garlic and salt brought out more flavor in the pig foot. Also in the pig foot souse which is salted overnight, washed the following morning, seasoned and boiled for an extended period of time. Lemon or lime juice is also included in the pig foot. You  will not regret trying it. You may just love it. You can enjoy this dish with local bread, baked in outdoor ovens and local drinks such as passion fruit, golden apple, tamarind and my favorite lime squash just  to name a few.

Pig foot souse prepared by Leah M.

pig foot souse

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