500 Word Summary of The Article about Deep Space Exploration Space Transportation Systems and Control Technology

To: Professor Ellis
From: Edwin Ascencio
Date: 09/22/21
Subject: 500 Word Summary of The Article about Deep Space Exploration Space Transportation Systems and Control Technology

The following memo is a 500-word summary about an overview about deep space exploration space transportation systems. The article mentions how deep space exploration missions are calling for a new development of space transportation systems and reviews current deep space exploration transportation systems. Space transportation technology before only allowed humans to explore the Moon but with different countries’ space development programs humans are now able to travel and study planets that are lightyears away from Earth. Even now humans are still developing new space transportation systems that will allow them to explore the deep galaxy and travel beyond its current limited distance. According to the article, “Development of deep space explorations is in full swing, the future deep-space missions about nearly halfway are through international cooperation and organization with low cost, high efficiency to achieve more distance future deep space exploration.”, our goal is to continue to create new space transportation systems that allow humans to go further into space.

Space transportation systems are classified as the following: expendable launch vehicle and Reusable Lauch Vehicle (RLV). Space transportation systems rely on both classifications.  Expanded launch vehicle’s primary purpose is to enter an attached component into space and then the rockets that performed the launched are discarded after reaching its distance. In the upper stage of the rocket, a reusable launch vehicle is used to carry out it’s space mission and reach its destination. Deep space exploration is not as simple as sending a rocket into space. There are tremendous considerations that are implemented into the overall function and designs of space transportation systems and these considerations ensure that the rockets can travel deep into the solar systems.

Some of the problem that are included in deep space exploration are management technology for long flying time, thrust regulations, autonomous navigations, and reliable electrical systems. Deep space exploration mission are large scales which put heavy demands on control system reliability. By increasing the flying time, it brings challenges to the reliability of the control system. To keep the system reliable and resilient over long periods of flight, fault detections and execution of sensitive equipment will be performed to keep up with the high reliability, flying time and multiple task demand. These performances are stress test which will give developer an idea on what are rockets current limitations and how to overcome those limitation to perform at higher loads. Using these data analysis developer could create a newer version of a rocket that will be able to perform under heavy loads and be used in longer space exploration. Large launch vehicles use new variable thrust systems and several other working power systems which will lead to a bitter control of thrust control systems. Thrust regulations and control technology can regulate the loads of different orbits, reduce thrust for better aerodynamics loads, improve flight reliability, reduce thrust to ease separation when transitioning to different environment and improve separation accuracy with little change in the carrier state. With proper thrust regulation humans will be able to transvers through space efficiently Deep space exploration control technology has entered the testing stage to meet the development needs of future deep space explorations.

[1] J. Cao, G. Xu and F. Xu, “Overview of deep space exploration space transportation systems and control technology,” Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 2014, pp. 2433-2438, doi: 10.1109/CGNCC.2014.7007551.

500 Word Summary

To: Professor Ellis     

From: Jun Gao

Date: Oct 1, 2021

Subject: 500- Word Summary of DroidMorph

Topic/Major: CST, Cyber Security & Networking

There has been a rise in different variants of Android malware and there needs to be new and improved methods to combat this malware. There is this new tool developed called DroidMorph. Multiple reports have stated that Androids are still the main target of malware attacks with malwares cloning themselves and there are a lot of data to support that claim. Malware creators use stealthy mutations to make clones of malwares.

To combat malware clones, we need to study how they are generated. DroidMorph is a  Android APK morphing tool, which can be used to create Android application malware clones. It turns out that even top of the line anti-malware programs are susceptible to attack by these transformations. They tested 10 anti malware programs and repetitive transformations were used to fool the anti-malware program. During the tests, it was discovered that AntiY AVL which is a anti malware, performed better than the others.

Protsenko et al tested against data and object-oriented design obfuscations against the top 10 anti malware and found inadequacy in them all. These four examples of anti-malware testing proved that all of them have some deficiencies and it is time to introduce the tool DroidMorph. Droidmorph is implemented on the Soot Framework which is an improvement over the old implementations. Droidmorph provides support for analysis, modification, and generation of Android bytecode. Droidmorph provides morphing of APK at different levels of abstraction. Figure shows the archtitectural design of DroidMorph.

The current design of DroidMorph has three levels of abstrations when it comes to morphing, class, method and body. They conducted a study to analyze the efficiency of DroidMorph. The dataset has 848 Android malware programs which was collected from two different sources. They explained in table 1 it shows distribution of the malware samples. Table shows the number of variants generated for each level of abstraction. Table 3 shows the detection results of the 17 commercial anti-malware programs tested with 1771 variants of 7 malware families generated by DroidMorph.

Results show that 8 out of 17 anti-malware programs could not detect any morphed APKs. End results show that DroidMorph was successful in bypassing the security in multiple anti-malware programs. DroidMorph’s detection average proved to be significantly better than many antimalware programs.

DroidMorph and the research into developing and improving the program is still a work in progress. With the development of DroidMorph and its ability to morph different malware into different clones, the developers hope that DroidMorph will be used in the future for research of new malwares and their clones. In the future, there will be many more improvements and updates that will be made to DroidMorph, hopefully make it the industry standard for fighting malware and its clones.


S. Alam, M. Z. ul Abideen and S. Saleem, “DroidMorph: Are We Ready to Stop the Attack of Android Malware Clones?,” 2018 2nd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), 2018, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ISMSIT.2018.8567059.

500 word summary

TO:       Prof. Ellis

FROM:     Kanak Das

DATE:     Dec, 1, 2021

SUBJECT:  500-Word Summary of Article About Network Wireless Security

When we talk about network in computer, it also include huge responsibility in security as well as wireless security. It is one of the most important and fundamental topic in Networking. The reason this is an essential research in this topic is because Network security helps in protecting personal data, files, and others important information that is connected to devices.  Increasing network security, you decrease the chance of privacy spoofing, identity or information theft and so on. Wireless network has become one of the fastest technologies for everyone’s benefit, which is a Computer Network that allows computing devices to communicate with each other without being connected through physical communications medium, such as networking cable or any involvement of wire. It is usually reply upon radio communication and wireless Network are implemented at the physical layer which is Layer 1 of the OSI model. The importance of wireless security is that it is all in one person under control. The owner can control it from anywhere nearby, without any need of wire or cable. Some of the reasons are, trusted video security solutions, commitment to quality with superior service, for personal protection.

Wireless technologies use radio frequency transmission as the means for transmitting data, whereas wired technologies use cables. Wireless technologies range from complex system, such as WLAN which is Wireless Local Area Network, when we use cell phones and have wireless headphones, through the use of Bluetooth to listen to songs, and other small devices that does not require wire. moreover, we also have, WPA which is wireless Access Point, is hardware device that allows properly equipped computing device to connect wirelessly to a network. Which can be used through router including a radio transceiver to enable wireless communication with client, and where we all use it every single day, commonly known as Wi-Fi. The transport mechanism between devices connect can also have impact on the all devices that connected to each other and any information can be shared easily through this process. Encryption is one of the major subject to talk about in wireless security, Because, all wireless computers are radio transmitters and receivers , anyone can listen to the information that are being transfer or received, that’s why it’s important  to have encryption enable on wireless network. So, that way even if the other people hears about the information, they would not be able to see the information. Only people will have access are the ones with proper passwords or proper wireless configuration.

Another major topic in wireless network is Hacking. For example, if you connect to public network, it can be easily intercepted by cybercriminal, where your personal data could be at risk. Whenever there is free public wi-fi, once you connect to these fake network everything you do online is monitor by cybercriminal. Who can scan your activity such as social media log in information. Cybercriminal can even easily transfer viruses, or other unnecessary software to your computer. That can cause serious damage to your computer and can get through your personal information.

[1] “The security of cellular connections – The New York Times.” [Online]. Available: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/10/technology/personaltech/security-wifi-lte-data.html. [Accessed: 06-Dec-2021].

500-Word Summary on Network wirless security

TO:       Prof. Ellis

FROM:     Kanak Das

DATE:     Dec, 1, 2021

SUBJECT:  500-Word Summary of Article About Network Wireless Security

When we talk about network in computer, it also include huge responsibility in security as well as wireless security. It is one of the most important and fundamental topic in Networking. The reason this is an essential research in this topic is because Network security helps in protecting personal data, files, and others important information that is connected to devices.  Increasing network security, you decrease the chance of privacy spoofing, identity or information theft and so on. Wireless network has become one of the fastest technologies for everyone’s benefit, which is a Computer Network that allows computing devices to communicate with each other without being connected through physical communications medium, such as networking cable or any involvement of wire. It is usually reply upon radio communication and wireless Network are implemented at the physical layer which is Layer 1 of the OSI model. The importance of wireless security is that it is all in one person under control. The owner can control it from anywhere nearby, without any need of wire or cable. Some of the reasons are, trusted video security solutions, commitment to quality with superior service, for personal protection.

Wireless technologies use radio frequency transmission as the means for transmitting data, whereas wired technologies use cables. Wireless technologies range from complex system, such as WLAN which is Wireless Local Area Network, when we use cell phones and have wireless headphones, through the use of Bluetooth to listen to songs, and other small devices that does not require wire. moreover, we also have, WPA which is wireless Access Point, is hardware device that allows properly equipped computing device to connect wirelessly to a network. Which can be used through router including a radio transceiver to enable wireless communication with client, and where we all use it every single day, commonly known as Wi-Fi. The transport mechanism between devices connect can also have impact on the all devices that connected to each other and any information can be shared easily through this process. Encryption is one of the major subject to talk about in wireless security, Because, all wireless computers are radio transmitters and receivers , anyone can listen to the information that are being transfer or received, that’s why it’s important  to have encryption enable on wireless network. So, that way even if the other people hears about the information, they would not be able to see the information. Only people will have access are the ones with proper passwords or proper wireless configuration.

Another major topic in wireless network is Hacking. For example, if you connect to public network, it can be easily intercepted by cybercriminal, where your personal data could be at risk. Whenever there is free public wi-fi, once you connect to these fake network everything you do online is monitor by cybercriminal. Who can scan your activity such as social media log in information. Cybercriminal can even easily transfer viruses, or other unnecessary software to your computer. That can cause serious damage to your computer and can get through your personal information.


Biersdorfer, J. “The Security of Cellular Connections.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Aug. 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/08/10/technology/personaltech/security-wifi-lte-data.html.

Biersdorfer, J. “Staying Safer on Public Networks.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 May 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/05/04/technology/personaltech/staying-safer-on-public-networks.html.

500-Word Summary of Article About Computer Network courses in Information Management

TO: Prof. Ellis
FROM: Brandon Sosa
DATE: September 22nd, 2021
SUBJECT: 500 Word Summary of The Article about Computer Network courses in Information Management 

The following is a 500-word summary of a peer-reviewed article about the research of Computer Network courses within Information Management and Information Systems. The article talks about how the course in information management and information systems is to be outdated and that it needs to be revised to be up to par. Professors know about what they are doing but it would be best to bring in individuals from technology companies to show the students how/what they’ll be doing in the real world. According to the article, a quote that stood out to me is “The entire class is composed of the blackboard students who only are the “audience” and teacher who is saying “storytelling” with the traditional teaching method.” 

Making Information and information systems understandable to the people. By teaching participants how to use and understand what a Computer network really is. This can be done by having students memorize the teaching learned in the course and in the textbook. The computer network has evolved over time and some of the courses might need to be re-edited to make the updated technology. Teachers/Professors can focus merely on what the student is going to be doing such as “Local Area Network”. With online learning, the basic teaching norm is thrown out the window because students are forced to learn online instead of face-to-face interaction. Classes are not up to par with the computer network for students to use be able to use online learning. The teacher/professor’s lack of experience in Computer networks can be hurtful to the students. The work given to the students is broken down into 3 types which the student can use to understand Computer networks. Content Architecture includes 5 parts (Sketch, Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Packet Switching, Transport Layer, and Application layer network). Teaching is the most important element a teacher can have to be able to pass on the knowledge they have. Case-based teaching is a method used by teachers and students use this method by researching and training capacity through cases under their guidance. Exposing these students to other Computer networks such as Cisco, Linux, and Lenovo is a good idea because it’s not the only operating system. Case teaching by selecting teaching is a way the students can master the information that has been taught to the students. Network simulation is defined as using computer technology and creating a topology of other computer networks. Network simulation is used in the network to structure the topology and simulate the network traffic. Network simulation is great for students and another way to teach the students the overall concept of Computer networks. Students change from passive learners to active participation inquirers. While hiring people from companies to come in and teach the students what needs to get taught to ensure employment is met after graduation. Due to the online teaching situation, we must adapt to this new trend if the students are going to be taught efficiently in the real world. 


[1]     Yong-min Lin and Wei-dong, “Research on computer network course in information management and information system,” 2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer, 2010. doi: 10.1109/ICETC.2010.5529707.

500-word Summary on technological innovative methods as a tool for socio-economic development

Name: Shemei John
To: Professor Ellis
Date: September 22, 2021

Subject: 500-word Summary on technological innovative methods as a tool for socio-economic development

Below is a summarized essay on an article about the importance of prioritizing and utilizing informational technology services. The authors, who have also conducted research, argued that innovation in technology correlated to education and educators has been proven to be beneficial. Several authors in the article like, Turkot T.I., “Innovative education is an industry that is constantly updated with knowledge, technologies, teaching aids, organizational and managerial approaches.”[1, p.107] share the same views on the matter.

Information Technology has proven the beneficial use of its existence in each and every sector of our society. Through the sharing of information, technology is even more important for distant learning hence the pros. The pros of distant learning are beneficial in that it challenges the individual to grow and mature by learning differently from the classroom by use of technology and this is innovation. Since learning is based on the whole premise of information, we benefit greatly from using technology in our homes, schools and workplace environments. It is imperative for technological literacy to become standard criteria for anyone, while being self-taught/Self-reliance is the greatest tool to learn anything, being computer literate is evidently important since by using these mediums they become an essential tool.

However, some areas of the debate, needs further investigation which is the only con to the matter. Nevertheless, innovation in technology and its use in education works hand-in-hand with educators and students who are technologically literate. Even though they are a lot of pros for these new innovative technological methods, keeping the old methods are still beneficial to our society.

A great example of technological innovation that has positively affected the way we educate and learn is the internet. Never has teaching and learning been more successful than it is today because of the rise and use of technology like our internet. Not having the right or no technological support can hinder or put most institutions in a deficit. The goal is to improve and progress, not just to solve today’s problems, but also solve potentially future problems. Innovation in technology can help us achieve this goal faster, competently and effectively, and it is progress. Innovative education is like a nuance that will grow and changes with the changing world.

If a state’s success if determines by how technological innovative a society can be, then the same can be said about the technological innovation of our education. Research is currently being done to determine better ways to motivate educators towards technological literacy. Independent individual work, by use of information technology, has proven beneficial through a group of students who were given asynchronous work. The necessity of computers and the use of information technology in teaching and educational purpose is imperative in today’s times. Every professional should possess foundational principals and skill-set of technological communication and informational technologies. Our technological advances may have modernized society but the most influential effect is, as of recent, the advantages of distant learning and tele-working, which prove how important it is for education to be technological innovative, and why information technology services should prioritize education on its service list.  


[1]     V., Nemchenkol, G., Pchelianska, T., Markova, O., Volodina, “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE USE OF INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS – AS A TOOL FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.” Academic Search complete (EBSCO) on     Food Industry Economics. 2021, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p105-111. 7p.

500-Word Summary of Article About Big Data in Cloud Computing

TO:           Prof.  Ellis

FROM:     Norbert Derylo

DATE:     Oct 6, 2021

SUBJECT:     500-Word Summary of Article About Big Data in Cloud Computing

A major challenge of working with big data is using cloud computing. Cloud computing provides many benefits that can help with big data. The study focuses on the various interactions between cloud computing and big data. 

Big data is data that is difficult to store due to its volume and variety. In the article big data is defined as “a new generation of technologies and architectures, designed to economically extract value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data, by enabling the high velocity capture, discovery, and/or analysis.” Big data can be described with four metrics: volume, variety, velocity, value. Big data can also be classified by five aspects: data sources, content format, data stores, data staging, data processing.  Each classification of data has its own characteristics and complexities. 

Cloud computing is the next generation of computing in professional settings. Cloud computing has many advantages over current computing methods. The increased popularity of wireless devices has allowed cloud computing to become extremely useful. Cloud computing and big data work hand-in-hand, cloud computing being the base on which big data thrives and expands. Due to the variety of big data, different forms of cloud computing will not work for all forms of big data. 

The two sets of data on the relationship between big data and cloud computing come from scholarly sources and the different vendors of cloud computing. Case studies from different vendors demonstrate the extensive variety of research that uses cloud computing. Swift Key used cloud computing to scale its services for demand. 343 Industries used cloud computing to make their game more enjoyable. redBus used cloud computing to improve customer service for online bus ticketing. Nokia used cloud computing to process petabytes of data from their phone network. Alacer used cloud computing to improve response times to system outages. Scholar studies also used cloud computing for big data projects. Scholars studying DNA have used cloud computing to dramatically increase the speed at which they analyze DNA sequences. A case study showed that cloud computing can acquire and analyze extremely large data sources, for example data from social media. A study of microscopic images used cloud computing to submit data processing jobs to the cloud. A study used cloud computing to show that you can use cloud computing as a backup to massive failures of other computing services. 

Data integrity is a data security concern and can be a concern in cloud computing as well. Transforming big data for analysis is a challenge and one of the reasons big data is not as popular as it should be. Data quality can be quite variable and cause concerns with big data. Big data allows for various different sources of data which might not follow the same structure. Privacy is also one of the biggest concerns of cloud storage. Encryption is the most popular way to keep cloud data safe. Data that is encrypted is not scalable and the computation time used for it is not practical for big data. Another possible solution is using algorithms to determine how to give out data to prevent leaks. Although studies have addressed multiple issues with cloud computing, there are few tools that can patch up the problems. Data staging is an issue involving the various different formats big data collects. There have been solutions to improve distributed storage systems, however they dont fix all the problems with optimization and accessibility. The current algorithms from data analysis are too unoptimized for the scalability of big data. Data security still and always will be an ongoing problem in cloud computing and big data. 
[1]Hashem, I.  A.  T. , Yaqoob, I. , Anuar, N.  B. , Mokhtar, S. , Gani, A. , & Ullah Khan, S.  “The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues.  Information Systems” Information Systems.  2015 Vol.  47, p98–115.  https://doi. org/10. 1016/j. is. 2014. 07. 006

500-Word Summary of “A computer program for simulating time travel and a possible ‘solution’ for the grandfather paradox”

TO:                  Professor Ellis
FROM:            Sebastian Vela
DATE:             October 8, 2021
SUBJECT:       500-Word Summary of “A computer program for simulating time travel and a possible ‘solution’ for the grandfather paradox”

The following is a 500-word summary of a master’s thesis about a program that simulates the grandfather paradox. The paradox explains that if a time traveler had gone back in time to kill his grandfather, then he would not have been born to travel back in time, thus allowing the grandfather to live and for the time traveler to be born. The program written by Doron Friedman uses automated reasoning to “modify” history and explore the consequences and propose possible solutions.

The actions and constraints in the simulation are labeled with the values “True”, “False”, or “Unknown”. For every person in the simulation, these values indicate whether the person is alive or not. The timeline of events can be changed by adding or removing actions in the simulation. A strong change is made when something that happened is changed, rather than adding actions. With each new event, the previous timeline is not erased. Instead, the program knows the consequences of the first timeline, and then sees the consequences of the second timeline.

A few hundred facts and constraints are included, with the paradox “solution” containing 229 facts and 344 constraints. Only 3 actions exist in each simulation: begetting, killing, and traveling in time (which is split into “depart” and “arrive”, with preconditions existing that for A to kill B, both must initially be alive, and B not being alive as the post-condition. The constraints “remains” and “appears” are introduced for continuity-of-existence.

The simulation is taken from the point of view of the time traveler, defined as S, and his actions toward his parent, F. The first action is the that F has a child, S. The system is aware of F needing to exist to beget S. Then, S travels back in time to kill F, creating the paradox and the system reports a logical contradiction. The proposed solution to repair this paradox is that S has a clone S1. They are two separate entities, so the contradiction is resolved, but they retain the same identity. Thus, S goes back in time and creates a clone that kills F. This also reports a contradiction: “The user (clone S1) kills his parent F; this introduces the parent paradox and, indeed, our reasoning engine reports a contradiction: F is supposed to be dead because he was killed, but he is also supposed to be alive to beget S” [1, p. 10].

The solution that follows is not as elegant as the researchers would like. “F gives birth to S and goes back in time. S, right after being born, goes back in time as well, and kills his parent F. Right after killing his parent, though, S (actually the clone, S1) gives birth to him. In this solution, therefore, S is F’s son, F’s father, and F’s killer” [2, p. 12]. A much more simplified solution to the paradox is given by having the system not assume any actions by the time traveler. “F travels to the future, begets S, and travels back just in time to be killed by a clone of S who also went back in time” [3, p. 12].


[1]     D. Friedman, “A computer program for simulating time travel and a possible ‘solution’ for the grandfather paradox,” arxiv.org. [Online]. Available: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1609/1609.08470.pdf

500-Word Summary of Article About Operating System

TO:              Prof. Ellis
FROM:         Rameen Khan
DATE:          Oct, 06, 2021
SUBJECT:    500-Word Summary of Article About Operating System

The following is a 500-word summary of peer-reviewed article about Hardware/Software Partitioning of Operating Systems. The authors discuss an operating system is the primary software that manages all the hardware and other software on a computer. The operating system, also known as an “OS,” interfaces with the computer’s hardware and provides services that applications can use. According to Vincent J. “An Operating System (OS) implements in software basic system functions such as task/process management and I/O” [1, p. 1].

According to this article “RTOS/SoC codesign where both the multiprocessor SoC architecture and custom RTOS (with part potentially in hardware are designed together” [ 1, p. 1]. In another word, A SYSTEM-ON-A-CHIP (SoC) architecture with reconfigurable logic and multiple processing elements sharing a common memory. An RTOS (Real Time Operating System) performs these functions while also being uniquely designed to run programs with high accuracy timing and a high degree of consistency.

In this article, in Figure 2 “A Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows the user to select desired RTOS features most suitable for the user’s needs [ 1, p. 1]. By summarizing this quote, GUI is a form that interacts between humans and computers occur; it consists of information output from the machine, as well as a set of control elements for the user to perform certain actions.

In this Article “The Hardware/Software RTOS generation framework takes as input the following four items: Hardware RTOS Library, Base System Library, Software RTOS Library and User input” [1, P. 1,2]. By elaborating this quote, the SoCLC, SoCDDU, and SoCDMMU are among the RTOS hardware IP accessible in the framework. In a shared memory multiprocessor SoC, the SoCLC stores lock variables in a separate lock cache outside the memory system, decreasing lock latency, lock delay, and bandwidth usage.

According to the author of this Article “Hardware RTOS components have well-defined interfaces to which any PE (Process Element) can connect and thus use the hardware RTOS component features” [ 1, p.2]. By Summarizing this quote, SoC target operating model that address people, Processes and technology, along with business-aligned goals and applicable metrics.

 Conclusion: The entire sequence of events that occur for hardware and software interaction is under the control of OS. All the driver software helps the OS to communicate with the hardware, to execute the application software. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner. The hardware/software partitioning process is a critical component of the codesign technique. It is involved with determining whose functions will be implemented in hardware components and which will be implemented in software components. Applications invoke these routines through the use of specific system calls. This underlying structure and its design are called the system architecture

Reference [1]      V. J. Mooney, “Hardware/software partitioning of operating systems [SoC applications],” 2003 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2003, pp. 338-339, doi: 10.1109/DATE.2003.1253630.

500-Word Summary of Article About Animation Design

TO:                        Prof. Ellis
FROM:                  Ulises Mora
DATE:                   Oct 6, 2021.
SUBJECT:             500-Word Summary of Article About Animation Design

The following is a 500-word summary of a peer-reviewed article about a study of different uses, design, and techniques in 2D and 3D animation. The authors of the article explain how these animations differ between them, and the concepts in which they are related.  According to Repenning et al., “Here, we discuss our experiences with the differences between 2D and 3D as they relate to three concepts connecting computer graphics to computer science education: ownership, spatial thinking, and syntonicity.” [1]

The opportunity to program in 3D environments through computer applications, allows any person, have an additional opportunity to learn, engage and see programming as something more dynamic and effective. Often, people who have more interaction with animations, are those who end up interested in programming; but when they start to study it and go in depth, they realize that programming does not meet their expectations. Because of this, the authors decided to start a new study about animations.

There is a bond between 2D and 3D animation. Regarding ownership, also known as motivation; if there is no motivation or interest, students simply will not succeed on the field. While using a 2D-drawing-editor, students were interested in programming regardless of the basic animation; since it does not exceed the resolution in 3D, students were satisfied. However, using a 3D-editor is much more complex and contains a professional interface which makes it difficult to start using it.

The authors implement a model to create a 2D-drawing editor and then inflate the drawing to convert it to 3D. Many students found motivation in creating 3D-models that were not systematic, but they were mostly basic in shapes. Instructors were unhappy about this program because students spent a lot of time creating these inflated models. Nevertheless, inflating 2D-images is not enough; students must do more to understand the three dimensions through spatial thinking. Occasionally, 3D-design can be easier to work than 2D-design due codes errors that go unnoticed. But in 2D, these errors cost a lot since they might end with lag and low performance.

Since the formulation of the codes would be complicated; through syntonicity, for people to be able to program, they must conduct themselves onto the object. The authors implemented a program in which the syntonicity was used so that the children understood in first-person-mode what the program would feel and give directions, and it would make it easier to interpret.

Beginning programmers loved this program first-person-mode program, but advanced ones disliked it because of the amount of unnecessary command voices of directions. Then, the authors decided to implement a syntonicity in their own program so that all programmers were comfortable to use it. A high resolution for the development of 3D-animation is important for the motivation of computer students. Additionally, it is also a teaching implementation that is dynamic and does not bore the student.


[1]          A. Repenning et al., “Beyond Minecraft: Facilitating Computational Thinking through Modeling and Programming in 3D,” in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 68-71, May-June 2014, doi: 10.1109/MCG.2014.46.