Expanded Word Definition of Central Processing Unit (CPU)

TO: Prof. Ellis
FROM: Brandon Sosa  
DATE: October 27th, 2021
SUBJECT: Expanded Word Definition of Central Processing Unit (CPU)


            The purpose of this document is to expand on the definition of “Central Processing Unit”. This word is mentioned multiple times throughout the CST (Computer Information Systems) department and is mentioned in the first introductory classes. I will be discussing the origin of the word and when the word was first introduced and who coined it. I will also be looking and researching through the dictionary and the references to find interesting information about the word. After, I will organize the information into each perspective category detailing its Context, Definition, and Working Definition. Then include my references at the end. 


            There are various but similar definitions of “Central Processing Unit”. As a student who is in the field of Technology, I say that my own definition of what the Central processing unit is is that it controls all functions inside the phone, tablet, and computer. It controls the input and outputs of all the daily tasks the user is recommending. The Oxford English Dictionary, it states “Computing a component of a computer system that runs programs, performs processing, and controls and coordinates the activity of other components”.[1] This definition gives a vague but helpful description of what a central processing unit is. Some people researching the definition might need a more in-depth definition of what the word is. In the Oxford Reference text, I was able to find a definition of the word but in more detail. It said, “A CPU usually consists of two units: the control unit organizes the data and program storage in the memory and transfers data and other information between the various parts of the system; the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) executes the arithmetic and logic operations, such as addition, multiplication, and comparison.” [2] This definition in comparison to the first definition is a lot more detailed and it specifies what the CPU is doing inside the selected device. 


            When comparing both definitions of the Central Processing Unit, it provides details about what it is and how it performs, on the other hand, the first definition is short and gives good but vague detailing about what it does for the computer/phone or tablet. The 2nd definition highlights and gives details on what the central processing unit is, how it works, the components that are inside of it to help run programs and execute tasks. What really stands out between both definitions are the keywords that there use. Both definitions have similar keywords, but the one definition uses keywords such as “ALU” when the other definition didn’t use it. In a textbook, when talking about the CPU the author goes in-depth about what the CPU is and what the main functions it is. His definition of the CPU is different from the 1st and 2nd definitions because the author is adding more context to it. The author stated “The CPU is responsible for manipulating data and coordinating the activities of the computer’s other physical components, including memory and peripherals. Instructions gathered from input interfaces are executed at the CPU, and the results are delivered to output interfaces. The CPU, therefore, functions as the heart of the computer, facilitating all data processing activity.” [3] This definition gives an accurate detailed description of what and how the CPU functions. It also makes the comparison of how it is “the heart” of the computer and that it controls all the task and programs that the user requests.

[Working Definition]

            In the CST department, when learning about the internal components of the computer, phone, or tablet the Central Processing Unit is always mentioned. In my own definition, I would say the Central Processing Unit is the heart of the computer. It controls all tasks and programs that come in by the user and it executes the task/programs all accordingly. The central processing unit is the brains of the entire operation and every commend must go through it so that it is executing functions at a timely matter. Throughout all the years, the Central Processing Unit will always be updated, it will never stay the same. There’s a saying that just because it’s not broken, doesn’t mean that it cannot be improved. 


[1]        “Central Processing Unit,” in Oxford English Dictionary. 3rd ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford Univ. Press, Mar. 2013, def. 2. [Online]. Available:https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/29680?redirectedFrom=central+processing+unit#eid9942421

[2]        Butterfield, A., & Szymanski, J. (2018). memory. In A Dictionary of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. : Oxford University Press. Retrieved 12 Oct. 2021, from https://www-oxfordreference-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780198725725.001.0001/acref-9780198725725-e-2926.

[3]     Lerner, K. L., & Lerner, B. W. (2013). Computer Sciences. Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning. 

500-Word Summary of Article About Computer Network courses in Information Management

TO: Prof. Ellis
FROM: Brandon Sosa
DATE: September 22nd, 2021
SUBJECT: 500 Word Summary of The Article about Computer Network courses in Information Management 

The following is a 500-word summary of a peer-reviewed article about the research of Computer Network courses within Information Management and Information Systems. The article talks about how the course in information management and information systems is to be outdated and that it needs to be revised to be up to par. Professors know about what they are doing but it would be best to bring in individuals from technology companies to show the students how/what they’ll be doing in the real world. According to the article, a quote that stood out to me is “The entire class is composed of the blackboard students who only are the “audience” and teacher who is saying “storytelling” with the traditional teaching method.” 

Making Information and information systems understandable to the people. By teaching participants how to use and understand what a Computer network really is. This can be done by having students memorize the teaching learned in the course and in the textbook. The computer network has evolved over time and some of the courses might need to be re-edited to make the updated technology. Teachers/Professors can focus merely on what the student is going to be doing such as “Local Area Network”. With online learning, the basic teaching norm is thrown out the window because students are forced to learn online instead of face-to-face interaction. Classes are not up to par with the computer network for students to use be able to use online learning. The teacher/professor’s lack of experience in Computer networks can be hurtful to the students. The work given to the students is broken down into 3 types which the student can use to understand Computer networks. Content Architecture includes 5 parts (Sketch, Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Packet Switching, Transport Layer, and Application layer network). Teaching is the most important element a teacher can have to be able to pass on the knowledge they have. Case-based teaching is a method used by teachers and students use this method by researching and training capacity through cases under their guidance. Exposing these students to other Computer networks such as Cisco, Linux, and Lenovo is a good idea because it’s not the only operating system. Case teaching by selecting teaching is a way the students can master the information that has been taught to the students. Network simulation is defined as using computer technology and creating a topology of other computer networks. Network simulation is used in the network to structure the topology and simulate the network traffic. Network simulation is great for students and another way to teach the students the overall concept of Computer networks. Students change from passive learners to active participation inquirers. While hiring people from companies to come in and teach the students what needs to get taught to ensure employment is met after graduation. Due to the online teaching situation, we must adapt to this new trend if the students are going to be taught efficiently in the real world. 


[1]     Yong-min Lin and Wei-dong, “Research on computer network course in information management and information system,” 2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer, 2010. doi: 10.1109/ICETC.2010.5529707.