The fashion industry is erroneously cited as the second most polluting business. Clothes create a lot of waste. I chose this topic because it relates to me. Clothes are something that I use every day of my life. Clothes are something that I wear every day and I am passionate about them. also, I like to learn about how clothes are made and what fabrics are used to make them. I like the fashion industry and I like the art of clothes. The fashion industry is a big business. It is worth billions of dollars it is a very big industry and it has a lot of effects on our environment so we can always protect our environment by taking some steps. Million of clothes in the world get dumped every day so by recycling them. We can protect our environment and provide more people with cheaper clothes. Some of the questions that I have are where do clothes go after we trash them? Do they affect our environment? I know these are the question you are interested in also.


 Choi-Schagrin, Winston. “Can Recycled Rugs Fix Fashion’s Waste Problem?.” New York Times, 21 Dec  2019,

There is too much clothes waste and it is getting more and more. According to the article can recycled rags fix the fashion waste problem the organization has collected close to half and million pounds of fabric from the design studio and their discards have been shredded and recycled into stuffing and insulation or resold to fashion students. FabScrap is one of the small nonprofit organizations that helped New York with a lot of fashion waste. Nearly 6000 pounds of textile scraps to be inspected, sorted, and recycled by five staffers and many more volunteers at FabScraps by recycling so many clothes have been used productively rather than making pollution. FabScrap is the company that is selling clothes that were heading for trash this year they sold to 4800 customers and they are still growing. There has been a lot of recycling but some researchers say that the problem won’t finish unless the companies produce fewer clothes.


This article can be trusted because it is from a trusted source which is the new york times and the author is also good. The Article targets anyone who is interested in learning about What happens to clothes waste more specifically it targets the environment people. The people who care about the environment because the article educates its readers about How recycling is a good thing and how we can use the fashion waste in a productive way. Rather than destroying the environment with it. The article talks about how recycling is saving the environment close to half and million pounds of the fabric have been recycled and also resold to the fashion students. This shows how the waste fabric can help people rather than being damaging to the environment. A lot of volunteers have been helping FabScrap with recycling. They have been successful so far.


The author is Winston Choi-Schagrin her style is really interested. She talked about recycling the clothes. She made her points clear. She educated the reader about why more production of clothes is becoming a problem for the environment. She also showed how we can fix the problem. The thing that I liked about her writing is that She used someone’s example. She used an example of a company and describe how they started recycling. Which gave the reader a better understanding. I also like the way She started the paragraph. She caught the reader’s attention in the first paragraph. She writes that there is a 4000 square foot warehouse and it is filled wall to wall and floor to ceiling with garbage bags. Which catches the attention of the reader because the reader wants to know what is in and where is the warehouse and why it is taking too much space.

Ellen Rosen, Winston. “Fashion Trends Are Often Recycled Now More Clothing Can Be, Too” New York Times, Jan. 26, 2021,

article 2

New brands are often blamed for landfills and causing other types of pollution. Throughout the manufacturing process, the biggest problem is the number of unwanted clothes that wind up in landfills. According to the article “the equivalent of one garbage truck full of clothes is burned or dumped in a landfill every second,” clothing production globally roughly doubled from 2000 to 2015, and at the same time number of times a garment was worn declined this shows how the production increased and people purchased more garments but they throw them out after a lesser period of time. On the other hand, some companies are trying to fulfill people’s needs but also encouraging their customers to keep the garments out of the trash. In one of the stores of H&M customers can pay a nominal amount to have unwanted clothing transformed into new garments through a process that breaks down the old fibers and combines them with new ones. The fashion industry supply chain has always relied on 19-century equipment. Companies like Evrnu are building advanced technology so they can recycle fibers with less pollution. Companies are looking for new fibers that can replace the need for animals and can be found in nature. For example, companies are looking for something that can replace the leather and one alternative is mushroom roots.


This article is well-trusted it is from new york times and the author is also good. This article target people who want to learn about the landfills and the clothes that are burned in them. This article educates the readers about the over-production of the clothes also the pollution they make and ways to control the pollution. This article shows how the production of the clothes has increased and at the same time, the increase in people disposing of the clothes faster also increased Which is closing a lot of clothes waste. A lot of small companies are also helping by encouraging their customers to keep their clothes longer. Companies like H&M are helping with the problem. And there have been many more small companies that are recycling and making new alternatives from clothes from plants that would not hurt the environment.


The author of this article is Ellen Rosen I like our way of writing because she made her points very clear and easy to understand. Even a person who doesn’t know that much about clothes would understand after reading the article that clothes are making a lot of pollution. She also used examples of companies and how they are helping with the problem. which engages the reader even more.  She was of writing is also catchy was really easy for me to understand. Her way of writing is also catchy she talks about the problem first and shows how it is bad which makes the reader read more.

In Conclusion, the articles educate their readers about How recycling is a good thing and how we can use fashion waste in a productive way. Clothes make a lot of pollution. Clothes are the second-most polluting industry in the world. Clothes are been overproduced and people are wearing their clothes for a lesser period of time before trashing. Researches are saying the clothes pollution won’t finish unless the companies produce less. Some companies are encouraging their customers to wear their garments for a longer period of time before trashing them. They also giving customers the option of recycling their clothes. There are also many companies around the world that are fixing the clothes problem. Companies are coming out with many different ways to produce clothes that won’t hurt the environment. A lot of companies are producing clothes that are plant-based rather than animal-based which they think will help the environment.