Many people will agree with space being beautiful to look at, and it would be great for mankind to explore its beauty. Since I was a kid I have dreamt of people living on different planets and giant spaceships flying through space finding and exploring many unique and unknown planets and this dream could possibly become a reality in the distant future. Ever since the first successful moon landing in1996 up until present day 2021 mankind has learned a great deal of useful information from outer space in such a short amount or time, and this has been slowing down since people just don’t care about space as much anymore. I would honestly like to learn why people just don’t want anything  to do with space anymore. It confuses me why NASA are getting budget cuts or people just not wanting to invest in space exploration when the opportunities in space are just endless, and this is sad because we have been given an opportunity to feed our curiosity and answer some of our biggest questions, for example are we really alone in the universe? Is there any habitable planets for mankind to live on? How was the universe created? These are just a fragment of questions that can possibly be answered if people were more motivated about space exploration,  so they can be inspired enough to contribute a greater height for the human specie.