Visual Quote

The quote I have visually enhanced is “It is not wisdom, but authority that makes a law” By Thomas Hobbes.

The first ideas that I came with had to do with a scale of justice.  It is a symbol that most people know and will understand.  For the all text concept I have two versions because it shows how the idea comes to life when you start arranging things in a way.

All text concept complex. First arrangement

All text concept complex. First arrangement

All text concept complex. Second arrangement

All text concept complex. Second arrangement






For this concept is mostly imagery. It is a rough sketch of what I was thinking that this concept could look like.  To keep it as all imagery I would change the words into well known symbols that represent them.

Image Concept

Image Concept

For this last concept I wanted to keep things simple.  The different type faces show how different the three words are.  Color would help make this more understandable as well as adjusting some of the text sizes.  This still plays on the concept of the balance of justice.  Having authority above wisdom is the common factor in all three concepts.


All text concept simple.

All text concept simple.

For this last one I basically merged my ideas together into one design.



updated-visual-quote-symbols updated-visual-quote-text-simple




diana-venkersammy-visual-quote-all-text-simple-color-update diana-venkersammy-visual-quote-all-text005

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