Blog #11

While being the sole animator here on the animation team I realized that its rather hard to get help on certain techniques that I needed to learn during my internship. For example I made a cloud for the Halloween event poster/animation, and it was rather difficult to turn a regular polygonal circle into the shape of a cloud. Now the reason it was difficult is because clouds do not actually have a shape. As drawings people tend to go with a more sphere like shape. Its not a circle but more of a mix of shapes. Its rather hard to describe the shape of a cloud. So thankfully while learning how to deform a regular circle polygon into a cloud turned into a learning experience. I learned I can do it with other shapes as well, but to keep it simple I stood with circle. I asked around to get feedback and I was recommended to put the clouds into the background by making it seem smaller in the space provided. Again being the sole animator and being the only one who uses a 3D space to design things it was rather difficult. I decided to simply make the poster into a 2Dimensional position (the camera specifically) while keeping the rest of the elements in 3D. So the cloud and moon that are in the background are not smaller, but farther. I pushed them back and put the moon on top of the clouds to have a cartoony effect. Again our audience are all freshman students who are still growing into adults. So I am still able to have cartoony effects integrated into my design is not a big problem. This is just an example of how I have to learn on the fly and adjust my projects to how much I know about MAYA. Everyone else on our social media team are our peer mentors and we had a graphic designer that moved to CUNY central earlier this month. So now it is just practically designers with not a lot of experience and myself.