Blog #8

Since the beginning of my internship I have not met anyone with enough experience in the animation industry to call a role model or anything of the sort. Most full time staff members here at ASAP have degrees in education. Most of them have earned a Master’s degree in education which is great listening to stories that involve how they were educated and where they were educated. Most of the staff members here are not from New York actually. A lot of live here now because of work, but for the most part they all seem to have come from more south of the country. So its rather difficult asking anyone for help here at the program. I get critiqued by co workers and adjust my posters and other things I work on by that. I do however seek a lot of outside help for techniques I do not know. A lot of YouTube tutorials on how to adjust lighting properly in MAYA and how to pose characters a certain way. A lot of techniques from MAYA is applied in my actual internship. Every month here at ASAP we host an event for our students. We have whats called a Fun Committee which I have had the opportunity of being a part of. We do lots of set designing and coming up with ideas on how to engage students in a way that is not only educational but fun. Since most of our students are between the ages of 17-22 (Since we recruit mostly freshman students) we have to find a way to stay “hip”. We unfortunately had to skip the November event due to some developments that happened, but the Halloween October event was a hit! We created an escape room and I was a major designer for the way the room would be organized. Which way the students would have to walk and what questions should be asked during what sequence of the escape room. I am also helping with the new event that is happening soon for Christmas. Which is going to be a mash up of Thanksgiving and Christmas together.