Field Trip

The Field trip was actually rather interesting. Mainly because it was a different experience because of the fact that I did not know that printing took so much work and effort to create beautiful pieces. I learned that newspapers are all over the place and busy is the fact that it has a limited amount of space. They make thousands sometimes millions of copies of the same pages over and over and over again. They make so many copies because they are high in demand. Sometimes people do not realize how much copies are made of the same papers and are dispensed and shipped out. This also happens daily! This is not the only form of printing we saw. We saw others that print out the huge billboards people see. He described it as the easier version, since its so far people do not really need to see all the details compared to that of a close up picture. They just need to see the important stuff and thats it. I actually enjoyed going to the UFT building. They seemed to enjoy what they did for a living.