Author Archives: Jacquelyn Blain

Hobby Algorithm – Sana Essa

How to roller skate?
Step 1: Get Roller skates and Protective gear.
Step 2: You are likely to fall, so have someone next to you in the beginning.
Step 3: Put on your roller skates
Step 4: Have someone hold your hand and try to keep your balance as you stand.
Step 5: Bend your a knees a little and try to push lightly with one leg
Step 6: try to glide use your legs to give that push, and whatever you do don’t get too nervous because than your all over the place, which means your going to hit the floor multiple times.
Step 7: Use one leg to push than the other till you are roller skating.

Albano – Kerolos

Albano Assignment
Worksheet for GDV talk by Heather Albano

1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

A parser is a game that gives you the option of typing in the illusion of the narrative you want while a choose your own path gives you the limited choices that differentiate the narrative bit by bit according to your choices.

2. Name an example of a parser game.

Zork I

3. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

Choose your own adventure The Cave of Time

4. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

She says interactive fiction virtually died out because the older methods of interactive fiction died out now it is evolving to give you more choices and yet lead you to them instead of looking for them in a book.

5. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

She says poetry is important because in a game of words, each word has a significance nothing is without reason. She used “With Those We love a Lot” by Porintine.

6. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

She says its necessary because it lets the player of the game fill in the blanks with their imagination so that there is a variation of different answers for the games.

7. What’s important about complicity?

When there is complicity that gives the player owner ship of the plot making him or her feel like they can type whatever they want and the game will do as they say, in reality it is just an illusion because it is a pre-written program.

Assignments List

This is where to find the weekly assignments.

Due Thursday, September 7:

Follow the links to get the assignment (1 and 2) and find the program (3).

  1. Hobby Algorithm
  2. Albano video
  3. Download Python 3.6

Due Thursday, September 14:

Also, be sure to Post the Albano video and Hobby algorithm assignments as Posts instead of Comments.

Welcome to the Course

We’re going to writing and programming an interactive fiction game this term.

This Home Page will be for announcements. For the work of the class, go to the correct Menu item on the top.

We’ll be using the course Blackboard site for the Grade Book and for the Midterm and Final Exams.


The assignments themselves will be in the drop-down submenu.

To post an assignment:

  • Click on the + at the top of the page.
  • Create a title for your assignment (it’s nice if you include your name, but it will be on the bottom anyway).
  • Create your content. Remember, you can attach a file by using the Add Media icon just above the ruler.
  • Click on the appropriate Category in the Categories menu on the right hand side
  • Hit Publish.

IMPORTANT!!!  All assignments will be due (time stamped) by 5 pm on the due date. Otherwise, it’s late, and you’ll lose a point.