- In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.
Parser interactive fiction game are games without graphics, with chuck of texts and cursors. The players would type in their course of different actions or where they want to explore in the game, and the game will response to what the players will see or what happen next.
Choose your path interactive game are games that have chuck of texts with multiple choice the player can choose from. The choice that the players make will direct them to different pages of the game.
- Name an example of a parser game.
Zork: The Great Underground Empire – Part 1 written by Marc Blank, Dave Liebling, Bruce Daniels and Tim Anderson, Published by Infocom in 1980.
- Name an example of a choose your own path game.
Sugarcane Island written by Edward Packer, published in 1976.
The Cave of Time written by Edward Packer, published in 1979.
- Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?
Interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s due to competitions.
- Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?
Poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing because when words are the only ways for you to communicate your characters and stories, you want to make the word as powerful as you can. An example that she uses was from “With those who we love alive” by Porpentine.
- Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?
Ambiguity is unavoidable but also necessary because the game does not have the graphics and an infinite space for all the possible texts and details, therefore the players have to fill in that details with their imaginations.
- What’s important about complicity?
Complicity is important because it can give the players an actual choices and decisions to make the game feel more realistic to the players.
Albano Assignment
Worksheet for GDV talk by Heather Albano
1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.
A parser is a game that gives you the option of typing in the illusion of the narrative you want while a choose your own path gives you the limited choices that differentiate the narrative bit by bit according to your choices.
2. Name an example of a parser game.
Zork I
3. Name an example of a choose your own path game.
Choose your own adventure The Cave of Time
4. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?
She says interactive fiction virtually died out because the older methods of interactive fiction died out now it is evolving to give you more choices and yet lead you to them instead of looking for them in a book.
5. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?
She says poetry is important because in a game of words, each word has a significance nothing is without reason. She used “With Those We love a Lot” by Porintine.
6. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?
She says its necessary because it lets the player of the game fill in the blanks with their imagination so that there is a variation of different answers for the games.
7. What’s important about complicity?
When there is complicity that gives the player owner ship of the plot making him or her feel like they can type whatever they want and the game will do as they say, in reality it is just an illusion because it is a pre-written program.