Check out Elizabeth Adams’ responses to your questions!!

Esteemed Students,

I hope you are enjoying the break!  CHECK OUT Elizabeth Adams’ responses to several of your questions in my post below!!  (titled “Reply to this post by 9am Thursday March 25!”)  If you click “[number of] Replies” at the bottom of the post, or the “comment bubble” in the upper right corner, then scroll through the replies, you’ll find her responses.  COOL!!  As she noted, you all raised REALLY important issues.  THANK YOU again!

Just a reminder, for our next class (Tues. April 6), PLEASE have your Bluebook handy, and PLEASE have read the Introduction on pp. 1-2!  Please also review the “Advisement & registration steps & resources” posted on the “class notes & materials” page–we’ll discuss them in class so bring questions!

See you Tuesday,

Prof. C.

Reply to this post by 9am Thursday!

Esteemed Students!

On Thursday, March 25, we’ll welcome two terrific guest speakers!  By 9am Thursday, March 25, please reply to this post with at least one question for either or both of our speakers!  This assignment will not be accepted late.

Tevin Williams is Community Liaison and Legislative Aide to NY State Senator Brad Hoylman, a Manhattan Democrat and the first openly gay man in the New York State Senate.  Tevin is responsible for assisting all of Sen. Hoylman’s constituents with their issues, as the liaison to Community Boards 2 and 7, and assisting with Senator Hoylman’s legislation in Albany.  Previously, Tevin had a 10-year career with YMCA between Georgia, Florida, and now New York City before joining Senator Hoylman’s office. Tevin enjoys community impact, and also working towards the greater good.  Tevin plans to attend law school and is currently preparing to take the LSAT.  Tevin’s ultimate goal is to be a Federal Judge.  Tevin is currently volunteering with the campaign of our other guest speaker, Elizabeth Adams.

Elizabeth Adams is a candidate for City Council District 33 in Brooklyn, which includes the neighborhood around City Tech as well as Greenpoint, Vinegar Hill, and Williamsburg.  Elizabeth has worked as a Planned Parenthood advocate, and is now Legislative Director for a City Council Member.  You can learn more about her and her candidacy at her campaign’s website,

They both look forward to talking with you!

Cheers, Prof. C.

FREE opportunities!

Esteemed Students!  Check out the FREE opportunities I just posted in the “Events & info” page!!  An awesome virtual summer program for aspiring women leaders, and help with your writing in all subjects (not really free because you pay for it with college fees–so get your money’s worth!).


Prof. C.

Grades posted!

Esteemed Students!

I’m sorry to interrupt your weekend, especially one as beautiful as this, just wanted to let you know I’ve posted in the GradeBook here on OL (linked at the bottom right corner of the “home” page) your midsemester grade (P, BL, U), midterm exam grade (out of 100) and grades on each of our two quizzes (both out of 20).

The midsemester grades mean that, as of now, you are either passing the course (P), on the borderline between passing and failing (BL), or your performance is unsatisfactory (U) and makes it unlikely that you will pass if you continue in that manner. Remember, the minimum “passing” grade for all Law courses is 70.  Remember also, you have until May 17 to drop any course and receive a grade of “W” on your transcript, which will not affect your GPA but you will have to repeat the course to earn credit for it.  Remember further, it is unlikely that the college will allow “CR/NC” grading this semester as it has since the pandemic, so do not count on having that option available to you.  Finally, there’s still time!  If you are not satisfied with your performance so far, you have several weeks to improve it, and I’d be happy to talk with you about how we can make that happen.  (There’s also still time to decline, so don’t slack off. 🙂 )

If anyone has questions about any of this, or would like to discuss your grades or anything at all, please don’t hesitate to let me know and we’ll set a time!  Now, go back to enjoying this beautiful weekend!


Prof. C.


Who I Am

Hello everyone my name is Nasser, I am a returning student at Citytech. My first year was 2013. I also attended Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey in Africa where I studied law for two years. My interests are in journalism and creative writing, law, computer engineering etc… I believe understanding law and how it applies to cases in real life and understanding its real effects or consequences on peoples lives is fun to study. I also believe that studying law and how the laws function in practice is one way of understanding and familiarizing myself with my place of residence. Some of the challenges I face in school is the language barrier, it is really intimidating to write in a language that is not your own, learning English is always, for me, a work in progress even after so many years in America trying to learn the language. That is why it is always a challenge for me to write an essay or any sort of paper in English. When I am not in school, I spend my time driving Uber/Lyft getting to know and transporting my fellow New Yorkers.