Grades posted!

Esteemed Students!

I’m sorry to interrupt your weekend, especially one as beautiful as this, just wanted to let you know I’ve posted in the GradeBook here on OL (linked at the bottom right corner of the “home” page) your midsemester grade (P, BL, U), midterm exam grade (out of 100) and grades on each of our two quizzes (both out of 20).

The midsemester grades mean that, as of now, you are either passing the course (P), on the borderline between passing and failing (BL), or your performance is unsatisfactory (U) and makes it unlikely that you will pass if you continue in that manner. Remember, the minimum “passing” grade for all Law courses is 70.  Remember also, you have until May 17 to drop any course and receive a grade of “W” on your transcript, which will not affect your GPA but you will have to repeat the course to earn credit for it.  Remember further, it is unlikely that the college will allow “CR/NC” grading this semester as it has since the pandemic, so do not count on having that option available to you.  Finally, there’s still time!  If you are not satisfied with your performance so far, you have several weeks to improve it, and I’d be happy to talk with you about how we can make that happen.  (There’s also still time to decline, so don’t slack off. 🙂 )

If anyone has questions about any of this, or would like to discuss your grades or anything at all, please don’t hesitate to let me know and we’ll set a time!  Now, go back to enjoying this beautiful weekend!


Prof. C.


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