Category: Announcements (Page 5 of 5)

Homework grades and class notes posted!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Great work today!  I have posted the grades for the the two homework assignments that were submitted and graded: the “Who You Are” OpenLab post and the answers to questions 4-7 on C&W p. 21.  I graded them on a scale of 0-4, with 4 being “full credit” and zero meaning you did not submit.  If you did not submit either of these assignments, you may not do so now.  You should be able to see your grades by clicking “Check your grades HERE!” at the bottom right hand side of the screen.  If you have any trouble, please let me know.

I have also posted today’s class notes which include the answer key for the NYS Court System Review.  They are under “Class Notes” with another review exercise you are welcome to do on your own.  Please be sure to study for Monday’s quiz!  Review everything we’ve covered so far, bring your maps and charts of the court system and a writing instrument, and arrive ON TIME!   If you arrive late, you will  not receive extra time to complete the quiz.

Stay safe, enjoy the rest of the week and weekend, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

Practice exercises! on NYS Court System

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen!

You did GREAT WORK with some really challenging material today!  Here are some practice exercises on the NYS Court System if you’d like to brush up on your skills: (1) C&W p. 18 and (2) some more exercises I put together.  We’ll review them in our next class, Wed. Feb. 20.  (Don’t forget, college is closed Monday Feb. 18!)

Have a lovely evening,

Prof. C.

((URGENT)) NYPIRG last minute cancelation of Albany Trip on Higher Education Day

For those looking forward to Higher Education Day in Albany today , I regret to inform you that due to inclement weather the trip has been postponed about 3 weeks. For those of you that had to leave extra early this morning for the 6am call time, the fine folks at NYPIRG regret the late cancelation. But under the circumstances I’m sure most of you understand. See you in class tomorrow.


New items posted!

Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I hope you are enjoying the weekend and keeping warm.  I have posted the following items:

  • Photos and links for the courts we visited (and others), under “Course Materials” (scroll down when you get there)
  • Info about several events under “Events & Opp’s” including our new Mock Trial Club and the Law & Para. Studies Club’s trip to Albany (March 19)
  • Some new legal news articles you may want to post about, including one that relates to our trip on Wednesday!  under “Articles”
  • The notes I’ll put on the screen in Monday’s class, and the assignments for Wednesday Feb. 13, in case you want a preview.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

TONIGHT! Student Action Meeting Thurs. 5pm

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Do you want to FIGHT for students’ rights like lower tuition and other important causes?  Then attend the NYPIRG/SGA Student Action Meeting TONIGHT (Thurs. Feb. 7) at 5pm in room N119.   See the flyer below.   You should also sign up for NYPIRG’s trip to Albany, NY next Thursday, February 12th to tell legislators who represent YOU how they should vote on issues that matter, and fight for change!  Deadline to sign up is TODAY, use this link.   Make sure to fill out the bus waiver!

If you can’t attend these events but want to know more about political activism with NYPIRG, let me know.


Prof. C.

NYPIRG Student Action Meeting and Lobbyist Training Feb. 7, 2019, 5pm in N119



Coughlin’s post on “Who You Are” assignment

Dear Students,

ONE of your assignments due before the start of class  Monday, February 1 is to write a post here on OpenLab about “Who You Are”!  Please write a few sentences addressing each of the following topics:  (1) why you are majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies, (2) something you want to learn or do in this course, and (3) something you want us to know about YOU!! (I mean “you” as a person–what you like to do, where you like to go, etc.–NOT about law!)  Instructions on  how to post are here and under the “Course Info” tab.  For the “category” please choose “Who I Am (assignment).”  If you have trouble submitting this assignment as a post, you may submit it as a “reply” to this post (see below).  But TRY very hard first to post it on your own!  You may not submit this assignment on paper.

See the “Assignments” tab for other assignments due before the start of Monday’s class (Feb. 1).


Prof. C.

Coughlin’s post on “Instructor Expectations”

Dear Students,

THANK YOU! for your excellent suggestions during Monday’s class of “Instructor Expectations” to include in our course syllabus .  Here is what you said:

  • Hold review sessions before exams.
  • Make best efforts not to misplace work submitted by students.
  • Make information on students’ grade status readily available (e.g., through OpenLab).
  • Consider dropping students’ lowest grade on quizzes or homework.

These are all great suggestions, and I plan to include them.  If you would like to make additional suggestions, you may “reply” to this post (below) so the rest of the class can see them (preferred) or email them to me at by Friday, February 1.  I will consider all suggestions and share the final list with you Monday!


Prof. C.



WELCOME! to Civil Law & Procedure (& how to post)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

WELCOME! to Civil Law and Procedure and our course OpenLab site!  Please browse around–check out the tabs above, which include useful information.  Feel free to post a message to the group!  Iinstructions on how to post are below and under the “Course Info” tab.

See you soon!

Prof. C.

How to POST!

  1. On the top of the screen, find the circle with the “plus sign” (+) inside, and hover your cursor over it.
  2. Choose “Post.”
  3. On the “Add New Post” screen, where it says “Enter title here,” type the title of your post, then type the post in the big white space beneath it.
  4. PROOFREAD your post!!
  5. On the right side of the screen, under “Categories,” choose an appropriate category.
  6. To include a link, click the icon at the top of the post that looks like a paper-clip  (“Insert/edit link”).
  7. To include a photo, document, or other attachment, click “Add Media” above the post.  Choose “Insert from URL” or “Upload Files” and follow the instructions.
  8. PROOFREAD your post again!!
  9. Click “Publish” (blue button) on the top right of your screen.
  10. To return to the Course Site and see your post, click “View post” (next to “Post updated.”) at the top left corner, under “Edit Post.”  OR at the top of the screen, in the middle, hover over “LAW1103 Civil Law & Proc” and click “Visit Site.”
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