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Homework grades and class notes posted!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Great work today!  I have posted the grades for the the two homework assignments that were submitted and graded: the “Who You Are” OpenLab post and the answers to questions 4-7 on C&W p. 21.  I graded them on a scale of 0-4, with 4 being “full credit” and zero meaning you did not submit.  If you did not submit either of these assignments, you may not do so now.  You should be able to see your grades by clicking “Check your grades HERE!” at the bottom right hand side of the screen.  If you have any trouble, please let me know.

I have also posted today’s class notes which include the answer key for the NYS Court System Review.  They are under “Class Notes” with another review exercise you are welcome to do on your own.  Please be sure to study for Monday’s quiz!  Review everything we’ve covered so far, bring your maps and charts of the court system and a writing instrument, and arrive ON TIME!   If you arrive late, you will  not receive extra time to complete the quiz.

Stay safe, enjoy the rest of the week and weekend, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

New York Passes a Ban on ‘Conversion Therapy’ After Years-Long Efforts (

This article addresses the passing of the law which banned conversion therapy. Since 2003, this bill was introduced by lawmakers but this year it became apart of the law. In 2016, the LGBT community had to denounce the Republican party for their stance and platform based upon the practice of conversion therapy. In relation to the gay and bisexual community, it also extended to the community of gender fluid individuals,  all who are also protected under New York’s discrimination and hate crime laws. The old practice of conversion therapy had proven to have caused unduly trauma to the one’s who had experienced it according to medical professionals and also agreed upon by Gov Andrew M Cuomo.  Matthew Shurka, another advocate against the treatment, believes that ‘conversion therapy’ assumes that everyone is straight and the real reason behind homosexuality is childhood trauma that requires healing. The bill began picking up momentum by 2013 though, when California passed the bill.  A few years after that New York was introduced but New Jersey went ahead and barred the treatment first. According to Cuomo, New York lagged behind but in the end the conversion therapy ban came down to the passing Assembly of 134 to 3 and the Senate 57 to 4.

When gay marriages was legalized in 2011,  I believe that it opened up a further conversation about the practice that endorses changing the mindset of gay people through therapy. In my opinion, conversion therapy was a vile way some parents went about trying to  change their misunderstood homosexual children. In the earlier years,  homosexuality was frowned upon and viewed as a mental illness.  Thus, many homophobic parents sought help through programs for their kids struggling with their sexuality and I believe that, conversion therapy further exploited its patients based on this theory. Nevertheless, the cost and scares that it’d left many of its patients was exponential before the passing of this bill. Prior to reading this article, I’d heard and read about conversion therapy and it was gratifying when it finally became law. Homosexuality, is still a complex status in today’s society with many persons who are oftentimes discriminatory towards gay people. It is comforting to know that it is no longer acceptable in an ever evolving state such as New York. Hopefully, it can provide the comfort some kids or even like minded adults faced with the struggle of self-acceptance to know that they belong to a city that no longer condemns them, but more so encourages them to be who they are.

Trump Inaugural Committee Ordered to Hand Over Documents to Federal Investigators number

The on going investigation in how the money was collected and spent by the Trump organization on behalf of their boss inauguration party event as a president is jaw dropping. No other president in history has ever being able to raise $107 millions like Donald John Trump did especially,  after his unexpected and mind boggling victory over Hillary Clinton. Perhaps, it is not the amount of money collected or spent, but from whom and by whom?? At least, these are the two main issues at hand now occupying two United States District Attorney’s Offices both located in New York City. One in Manhattan and the other in Brooklyn. The federal prosecutors will be looking at Illegal donations from foreign contributors, money laundering, election fraud, and false fraudulent statements to the Federal Election Committee, as a justification for their demand of documents which it could involve among many others the President’s business transactions and income taxes. Yummy!!

The call for an investigation to these offices was made by no other than Mr. Robert Swan Muller, the Special Prosecutor in charge of digging out the truth against a crooked and a traitor President, his family, and all of his convicted associates. There should not be a doubt that with these new allegations of corruption and betrayal the country will wake up with relief and joy in the morning once the perpetrators be jailed like the opposite way when it woke up in the morning in disbelief to learned that Donald had won.

Practice exercises! on NYS Court System

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen!

You did GREAT WORK with some really challenging material today!  Here are some practice exercises on the NYS Court System if you’d like to brush up on your skills: (1) C&W p. 18 and (2) some more exercises I put together.  We’ll review them in our next class, Wed. Feb. 20.  (Don’t forget, college is closed Monday Feb. 18!)

Have a lovely evening,

Prof. C.

Historic Richmond Town since im bored

Since I was bored, the lobbying effort to Albany being canceled and all. I figured we’d take a walk through some history. Staten island was the last of the five incorporated boroughs in NYC and didn’t become one until 1898. The native population was so resistant to change they kept most of their original infrastructure well into the 1930s.

The original County Court seen here is now a visitors center. The county clerk’s and surrogate’s building is now a museum and shop.

Staten Island prior to incorporation had a provincial system much similar to New Jersey, in which one overarching county government, known as a seat, oversaw smaller provincial type governments. Meaning Richmond Town was not only the seat of the county government. But had its own town hall with local offices as well. As did many of the other provincial areas. Such as New Brighton which ran the towns on the North Shore facing Manhattan. Don’t ya love history.
Original Richmond County Court House

Original Richmond County Clerk's and Surrogate's Building

((URGENT)) NYPIRG last minute cancelation of Albany Trip on Higher Education Day

For those looking forward to Higher Education Day in Albany today , I regret to inform you that due to inclement weather the trip has been postponed about 3 weeks. For those of you that had to leave extra early this morning for the 6am call time, the fine folks at NYPIRG regret the late cancelation. But under the circumstances I’m sure most of you understand. See you in class tomorrow.


(02/06/2019, The National Review, David French, The Supreme Court Upholds a Grave Violation of the First Amendment)

(02/06/2019, The National Review, David French, The Supreme Court Upholds a Grave Violation of the First Amendment)
[article link referenced below]

Dominique Ray could probably go down as one of the least popular and most hated people in America. After raping and murdering a 15 year old woman. An act so horrific none of us feel he should even be afforded the slightest amenity at all. But we are a nation of laws and as David French rightfully argues the denial of Ray’s request for his imam to be present at his execution is a clear violation of Ray’s first amendment rights. That if the case was argued on merits alone, substituting a Christian Chaplain in place of Ray’s imam, it would have been a unanimous decision in Ray’s favor. Also eluding to Justice Kagan’s opinion,.
David notes that since the case was not decided on merits “it doesn’t impact substantive constitutional law”. Still it does represent an injustice and one the Supreme Court could have easily reversed 9-0. Providing reason to believe that this case was decided conveniently on the basis of religious bias.

Both Justice Kagan and David French hit the nail on the head. But I feel, at the same time, both miss an equally compelling point to the way this trial concluded. So often the course of law altered at the opinions of our courts. We have the precedent we all know, that sets or alters the course of how law is interpreted and applied in our daily lives. But there’s also what I’ll call precedent of public opinion. To. Illustrate this I’ll reference the 2000 elections. In 2000 Bush’ election to the oval office was highly contested and nowhere more than Florida. Ultimately the case reached the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court voted 5-4 in favor of Florida. But it did so based on the technicality a recount would take longer than legally allowed under normal circumstances, without considering any other lawful exceptions, most notably Katherine Harris’ clear conflict of interest. Now, Notice in 2016 when Trump was highly contested how few claims were filed to have recounts and how few recounts there were when compared to 2000. In future days I wouldn’t be surprised if many first amendment claims don’t attempt the Supreme Court because they’re Muslim or Sikh or Shinto. To echo similar sentiments to those of justices Stevens, Breyers, and Ginsburg 19 years ago. What must now underlie the thoughts of every non-Christian, and in particular Muslim, out there is an utter lack of confidence, both in our nation and in our system of justice.


Additional reference, Wikipedia Synopsis of Bush vs. Gore (531 US 98)

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