Author: Kerin E. Coughlin (Page 1 of 3)

Final grades are posted!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have posted your final course grades on CUNYfirst, and your final exam grades here on OpenLab, in the GradeBook linked at the bottom right corner of the screen.  Once again, THANK YOU, all, for an excellent semester!  You worked very hard and showed tremendous intellectual energy, which made teaching and learning with you extremely fun and rewarding.  I hope to work with you again, perhaps in Legal Research I this coming Fall (MW 10-11:15am)?  Or some other way.  If I can be of any help to any of you, with advisement, references, etc., please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.

Have a fun and SAFE summer, and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Prof. C.

Follow-up to today’s class

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You did an EXCELLENT job with our final exam review today!  I expect great performances from all of you on the exam, which is this Wednesday, May 22, 11:30am.  DON’T FORGET to bring your CPLR and a writing instrument, and you may bring your copies of the court charts and maps you received in class.  Arrive on time!!

Also DON’T FORGET about the Law & Paralegal Studies Department’s End of Semester CELEBRATION!!  All Law & Paralegal students and faculty are invited to join us this Thursday, May 23, 2019, 6-8:30pm in N119 for food and FUN!!  It’s all FREE!!  Here’s the flyer.  Please join us!!

Finally–following  up on our discussion about Alabama’s new abortion law,  on our “Articles” page I have posted the US Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and a link to the History Channel’s summary and background on the case, along with the two articles we discussed today.  The case is long so if you’d like a printed copy, let me know and I’ll gladly print one out for you.

Study hard, see you Wednesday!

Prof. C.

Final exam study suggestions posted!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have posted a list of study SUGGESTIONS for the final exam under “course materials.”  It is NOT an exclusive list!!  Other terms and concepts we’ve covered this semester may appear on the exam.  However, if you follow these suggestions, you should be in good shape.  Before Monday’s class, PLEASE review all your notes, readings, quizzes, midterm exam, etc., and come prepared to ask any questions.  PLEASE also bring your CPLR, it will be helpful for our review.

Enjoy the weekend, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

MEMOS can be picked up!!

I’m SO sorry!  I COMPLETELY forgot to return your graded court observation memos at the end of today’s class!  They’ll be helpful in preparing your oral presentations.  You may pick them up in the department office (N622) from Ms. DeJesus, our Department Administrator.  I’ve left them in an envelope with her–tell her you’re in my class and your name, and she’ll give you your graded memo.

Sorry again!  See you Wednesday,

Prof. C.

Court observation grades & materials for Monday’s class POSTED!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Happy Mother’s Day!  Overall, GREAT JOB with the court observation memos!  Most of you showed significant improvement from your first drafts.  I posted the grades in “GradeBook” (graded out of 15) and will return the memos to you in class tomorrow (Mon. May 13).  On Wednesday May 15, each of you will give a short oral presentation” on your observation!

Tomorrow we have lots to do!  We’ll start with a survey on City Tech facilities (posted under “Class Notes” notes tab, linked under Class 27); then we’ll finish up statutes of limitations with a few examples (see class notes for Class 27, already posted); then we’ll address disclosure by reading a NY Court of Appeals decision (Forman v. Henkin, also in “Class Notes” tab under Class 27); THEN at the end of class you’ll complete the “Student Evaluation of Teaching” survey.  Phew!  That’s a lot.

See you tomorrow!

Prof. C.

Quiz 3 key & grades posted!

Ladies and Gentlemen!  GREAT job with bluebacks and statutes of limitations Wednesday.  On Monday, we’ll finish up statutes of limitations (SOL) with a few practice exercises that those of you who stayed a few minutes after class on Wednesday saw.  If anyone would like a preview, they’re in the class notes for Wednesday that have been posted (class 26).   I also posted the answer key to quiz #3 under “Course Materials” and the quiz grades in “Gradebook.”

For Monday, please be sure to read C&W ch. 16, CPLR Art. 31’s list of sections, and CPLR sec. 3101 parts (a) through (c), all on disclosure (discovery).  I’ll also return your court observation memos and we’ll schedule the order for Wednesday’s oral presentations on the observations.

Enjoy the weekend, happy Mother’s Day, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

QUIZ Monday! Don’t forget!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope you’re enjoying the weekend!  Just a reminder, we’ll have our last QUIZ at the start of Monday’s class (May 6).  Be sure to bring your CPLR and a pen, and arrive on time!  Please also be sure to have read C&W ch. 6 and CPLR sections 201 and 203 (a), (b) and (c), all on Statutes of Limitations.  For a preview of other information we’ll discuss Monday, see the “Class Notes” tab with materials posted for Monday’s class.  Also don’t forget, the final summons & complaint is due Wednesday, May 8.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

Summons & complaint extended deadline!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Excellent work today on service of papers!  Your final court observation memo is still due Wednesday, May 1.  However, as the syllabus notes, Monday May 6 is our next (and last) QUIZ, which will cover chapters 9, 10,  11, 12 and 14.  To facilitate your thorough preparation for it, as well as the necessary effort to produce a top-quality summons and complaint assignment, I have decided to extend the deadline for the final summons & complaint to Wednesday, May 8 (instead of Monday, May 6 as stated in the syllabus and discussed today).  I hope this is helpful for you.

See you Wednesday!

Prof. C.

Welcome back! Reminders for Monday’s class.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I hope you’re having a TERRIFIC Spring Break!  I look forward to seeing you in class Monday, April 29.  PLEASE be sure to have read ch. 10  pp. 77-80B and CPLR R. 2103 (Service of Papers) and bring your CPLR.  Please also review the information on advisement and registration posted under the “Course Materials” tab, which we’ll discuss in the later part of the class.

DON’T FORGET!  Your final court observation memo is due Wednesday, May 1.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

Thank you! and happy break!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

THANK YOU! for providing such a warm welcome, helpful guidance, and kind words about our program to the high school students today!  I think you made a terrific impression, and expect to see at least some of them here after they graduate.

I have posted the notes from today’s class, the assignments for the break, and an article on NYC school segregation to which you might want to post a response for extra credit!

Enjoy the break, see you April 29!

Prof. C.

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