
My name is Andrea Rosario, this is my first semester in college. This is my first time ever in City Tech, looking for a great experience in this college. I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because I love the Laws & Rules. I wanted to always be a lawyer and be able to start somewhere and expand my knowledge. I love the experience of being able to learn about the Laws and the Rules and be able to know what your talking about. I always wanted to know the court system and how everything else works. To my own opinion it is very exciting.

Something I would love to learn through out this course would be some civil case. Also wanted to learn different things you can do when it comes to dismissing a civil case. I also want to learn what does civil cases consist of. I want to just learn and know all the variety of things in the Law system.

Somethings about myself are, I love to go shopping, I work and go to school as well. I also love to enjoy my time doing things I love to do. I am shy at first but after a while I am out spoken. I am a friendly person and like meeting new people in the world. I also like to expolore the world and always do new things. I am also a very outgoing person. Looking forward to this semester.