Final project proposal

For our final project, I chose ” Why a cup of coffee in the morning is good for you” and the brand that I chose is Nescafe. Nescafé is a brand of coffee made by Nestlé and it has a unique blend of Arabica and Robusta. I like this kind of coffee because is easy to make, and it has a good taste. Some of the ads that I have seen from Nescafe for me they are great, but I feel like they look almost the same. I wish to change that by taking new photos and giving them my own style.

These are some of the examples that I chose for my project:


This is the first ad and my favorite that I chose as an example. I like how they took two cups of coffee and with the beans create an owl. Animals can show the emotion of a product than having people in their ad.



The second ad is really interesting because the cup of coffee has a face. I think that the lighting is perfect for this shot because it looks like the day is starting. I wish I could try that in my project. Also, the typography is good for this shot because it doesn’t disturb the photo.




For my final ad, I chose a more creative shot that it has a lot of photoshop. It has three cups and each one show the level of your coffee. It’s almost like the first ad that I chose but they have a different concept. If I create something like this I would use animals toys.



How my audience will be people who drink coffee in the morning, I will only take photos of a cup of coffee and for a dramatic look, I will try to use beans. Also, for my shot, I will use a soft light because it shows the beginning of the day.

One thought on “Final project proposal

  1. rmichals

    If you really want to do Nescafe, please do some research: 1. A background summary of the product 2. An frank evaluation of the product 3. The major competitors 4. A summary of current advertising

    You could certainly use the face idea for one of your approaches. Maybe instead of making an animal, make a person.

    You might also try some portraits of someone waking up or conversely looking bright and ready for the day. of you could do something with model’s the brings out the social side of coffee-having a coffee together. find your third idea in what you want today about Nescafe. Don’t simply imitate the examples you found.


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