Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I decided to do a campaign about first generation going to college. My target audience is usually both male and female of all ages. However, the primary target audience would be between the ages 16 and above. The reason why is because people at the age 16 is in high school. Both cuny students and my family inspired my idea. Like most cuny students, I’m the first generation in my family to be attending college. When I was in high school and was applying for college, I didn’t know who to ask. I would spend my time researching and asking questions to a teacher. I didn’t have parents or any family member that went to college. I was all on my own, now that four years have passed and my younger sister is entering college. She now knows something about how to apply, what to do,  because of me. I think it’s important to get to know this first generation, students. The version I will be using is the dark background to make models show confident. The lighting will shine in their face, might go for a split light.



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