Richard Avedon and Jonathon Mannion

Richard Avedon was an American fashion and portrait photographer. His portraits are all shot in black and white and really soul touching. His works expresses a massive amount of emotion throughout the subjects’ facial and body expression. I feel like he was really focused on capturing the original expression of the model instead of having them pose and fabricate the scene.

Jonathon Mannion is a photographer and a filmmaker who works mostly with music artists. He works with Richard Avedon for an year and if we look at the portraits he has shot Richard’s influence is very visible in Jonathon’s work. His use of lighting and colors are amazing. It looks like he has adapted Richard’s style and evolved with the technology and the resources and improving on it.

One thought on “Richard Avedon and Jonathon Mannion

  1. rmichals

    Avedon is nothing if not a studio photographer. His subjects are clearly posing for him. He is very interested in the details of each individual face but expression? Not so much.


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