Dawoud Bey’s work

Dawoud Bey’s work it’s interesting because it’s really difficult to take photos of young students. Fist of all the lighting. Lighting can be really powerful and can give us good results. The first photo that we saw in the video we can see a young girl sitting on a chair in the middle of the classroom. I really love how the girl has confident about herself and she’s not afraid to look relaxed in the photo. Something else about this photo is the background. In each of the background, I saw how they obviously look like a school not like just a person sitting or looking at the camera.

One of the photos that caught my attention it’s the photo of the girl with the almost blue-gray color. I feel that  Dawoud Bey focuses more in the eyes because the eyes can be one of the most powerful weapons of a human being.

Describing any kind of photography is easy. We can say immediately what we see but looking at the interview of Dawoud Bey I saw more than a photo. I could describe his work as emotional. For me, all of these photos have like a background story because that’s the feeling that each of the students give me on these photos. And why I think that they have like a background story because of their facial expression and pose.

One of the keys to a photo, in my opinion, is the facial expression. When a photo has the same expression is not really exciting to see, that’s why I think that Bey’s work it’s interesting because he gave us more to see in those photos.

For this class, I had some ideas about our assignment. I will try to take photos that can show facial expression and also I will show how having only a side view of the face can show like a story about the person.



One thought on “Dawoud Bey’s work

  1. rmichals

    I would add not only is it hard to take photos of students but it is hard to take them on location in schools where the environment is not always beautiful. In fact, it is usually drab.

    And yes, the biggest decision you make as a portrait photographer is to have the subject look at the camera or away from it.


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