Inspiration: Dawoud Bey

After looking at some of Dawoud Bey’s portrait photographs in his classroom project I realized that photography doesn’t need to be super complex to be considered beautiful. It seems like his photographs are captivating to many individuals. The subjects in these photos are all posing differently but simple. The photos have great lighting despite the disadvantage he has in the classroom, they’re clear, and the aperture is just enough on each. He talks about how he takes these photos at a fast pace because of the environment he is taking them in. He has about 45 minutes before the class comes in. I find this to be very interesting as well as talented. He is able to take high quality photos with so much pressure involved. He mentioned that he feels his experience to make this happen comes from taking street photography. I think to be able to take great photos in a short amount of time is a good skill to have.

One thought on “Inspiration: Dawoud Bey

  1. rmichals

    I agree that it is a real talent to be able to work with a total stranger in a less than ideal environment and get a wonderful portrait in less than 45 minutes. You picked up on an important point Bey made in the video. He thinks it was from doing street photography that he got this talent. A good reminder that street photography is a good practice even if one doesn’t want to be a great street photographer. It develops your eye, timing, compositional skills.


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