Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Category: Uncategorized

Final Project Statement and Mood Board

In my final project, I aim to craft a visual narrative encapsulating the nuances of a day’s life. The theme revolves around capturing the ordinary yet extraordinary moments unfolding within the confines of my residence and the diverse locales I traverse throughout the day. Through a deliberate interplay of exposure, light quality, and direction.

The subject matter is the ephemerality of daily existence – the routines, the transitions, and the subtle beauty hidden in plain sight. The canvas for my visual exploration spans the familiar spaces of my home to the dynamic environments encountered in daily travels.

I plan to shoot throughout the day, from the soft hues of dawn to the warm glow of midday, capturing the play of light as it evolves with the passage of time. This temporal exploration will infuse the narrative with a sense of rhythm, emphasizing the inherent changes in mood and atmosphere throughout the day.

Key to my storytelling will be the deliberate use of exposure to convey the varying intensities of light. Whether highlighting the gentle morning light casting long shadows or embracing the warm embrace of evening glow, exposure settings will be meticulously chosen to evoke the temporal nuances.

Light quality, another crucial element, will be harnessed to infuse scenes with visual drama. From the diffused light streaming through windows in my home to the dramatic interplay of light and shadow in external environments, each frame will be a careful orchestration of the available light.

Directional light will serve as a guiding force, shaping the viewer’s perception and emphasizing the unique character of each moment. Techniques such as playing with depth of field and selecting perspectives will contribute to the overall narrative, inviting viewers to witness the beauty inherent in the ordinary aspects of daily life.

Through this project, I wanted to show the everyday things that come up in my life.


Paul Graham

Rebecca Lily

Read Shan Jin

Sam Johnson

Elaine Cheung

Daniel Lee Postaer

Final Project Statement and Mood Board

For my final project I’m either going to take pictures of some places that have been a good part of my childhood and life or different pictures of places and things that interest me. The goal is to capture my interests well and it will create a sense of story through my point of view. I will be taking photos in Manhattan and Brooklyn because that’s where my enjoyable places are located. I will aim to do different techniques like rule of thirds so the spacing will look good and leading lines so the lines can lead the viewer in a certain direction. I will also take long and medium shots and use different angles of view to make the photos visually interesting. I will have a mix of pictures of different neighborhoods, parks, basketball courts, and other fun places. I want color to have a good effect on my photos and I would like it to be different for the photos and fit in well with the mood of them.

Here are some photographers that I will have some inspiration from:

Brett Sayles

Mihar Kathiriya

Allan So

Lina Kivaka

Well Naves

Aleksandar Pasaric

Lab: Wk 9 – Outdoor portraits with Fill

The main light casts the shadows.

The fill light brightens the shadows.

Working outdoors, the sun is the main light. We will use reflectors and flash to fill the shadows.

Start with a reflector. Have your model stand with the sun to their back. Use the reflector to reflect light back into their face. Hold the reflector higher for a more pleasing result.

Then try fill flash. Use the flash on camera at a relatively low setting such as 1/64. You don’t want to cast any shadows on the face just brighten it.

Use your widest aperture. You may need to use a fast shutter speed to compensate. When using flash, make sure to set it to High Speed Sync (HSS) in order to be able to use a shutter speed faster than the sync speed.

Put your 20 best outdoor portraits in an album on Flickr and send the best two to the class group.