Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Category: Lab Exercises (Page 3 of 3)

Lab: Week 2 – Composition

2 pts. Work with a shoe. Take a series of photos of that shoe from different angles and with different cropping until you get 20 photos of it that really look different. The goal is to take as wide a range of photos of the shoe as possible. The way to get this wide range is by using different ways to compose and light the shoe. The shoe should be the main element in every photo.

Shot list:


  • Long shot
  • Medium shot
  • Close-up
  • Extreme Close-up

 Angle of view

  • Worm’s-eye view
  • Low-angle
  • Eye-level
  • High angle
  • Aerial or Bird’s-eye view
  • Oblique angle

Focal Length

  • Wide Angle – zoom out
  • Telephoto – Zoom in


  • Horizontal Line
  • Vertical line
  • Diagonal line


  • Rule of Thirds
  • Balanced/Symmetrical
  • Off-balance/Asymmetrical

Space and Perspective

  • Shallow Space
  • Deep Space

Put your 20 best photos of the shoe in an album on Flickr.

Inspiration: The Shoes of Our Lost Icons are Still Full of Life

Lab- Week 1 – Composition

2 pts. Photographing a stool or a chair as your main subject, create a clear example of each one of the 8 compositional principles in the Steve McCurry video:

1. Rule of Thirds

2. Leading Lines

3. Diagonals

4. Frame within a frame

5. Figure to Ground

6. Fill the Frame

7. Patterns and Repetition

8. Symmetry

Camera settings:

Under menu, select Image Quality to set the file format to jpg.

Use the shooting mode – P – for Program Mode (not A which is for aperture).

Set the ISO to Auto.

Practice moving the focus point around the screen.

Upload the 8 examples of the compositional principles to an album on Flickr. Label each one with the compositional principal it represents.

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