Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Category: Homework (Page 3 of 3)

HW 3 – Freezing Motion

Working outside in the day, freeze the motion of athletes and bike riders, dancers, jumping dogs. Try at least two different types of subjects ie soccer players and bikers, kids on swings and dancers. Capture the decisive moment. The soccer player when their leg is fully stretched out in a kick, a bike rider doing a wheelie. Don’t be shy. Fill your frame with the action.

Use a shutter speed 1/500 sec or faster.

If using a cameraphone outside in bright light, it will automatically use a fast shutter speed. If you are working with less light, use lightroom or other app that lets you set the shutter speed.

Post shots of at least two different activities to an album on Flickr for a total of 40 shots. Please don’t include all of the times you missed: shots out of focus, the back of receding bike riders, etc. Just your best work. Send your best two to the class group.

Due Sept 19, 12:00 noon.

HW2: Hula Hoops

Imagine that you have a hula hoop. Put it on the ground (during the day in a place with good light) and do not step out of it. You could also think that you are in one of those social distancing circles that have been drawn in some parks. Take 10 photos without leaving the circle. Use every strategy that we have discussed in class: angle of view, close ups and long shots, negative space, filling the frame, diagonal lines, leading lines, to make the most interesting and varied photos possible from that one place.

Find two more spots and repeat for a total of 30 photos.

Post to Flickr and put in an album.

Due Tuesday, September 12 at 12 pm noon.

HW 1 – Photo Description

4pts. Due Sept 5, 12 noon. Post to OpenLab.
Review the Steve McCurry video:

Look at the work of the photographers listed below. Then select one photograph by one of these photographers that really speaks to you and that you think is visually engaging. Once you have selected a photograph, write a 300-word post on OpenLab about the photograph. 

Category: Student posts>HW1-Composition

1. Identify the photograph with the name of the photographer and the name of the photograph. Write a short description of the subject matter and location. Then, identify the intention of the photographer. What is the purpose of the image? What is the mood or feeling of the photograph?
2. Select three of the formal elements from the Steve McCurry video that are most important in the photo that you selected. Write a second paragraph describing the photographer’s use of those three compositional principles. 

1. Rule of Thirds
2. Leading Lines
3. Diagonals
4. Frame within a frame
5. Figure to Ground
6. Fill the Frame
7. Dominant Eye
8. Patterns and Repetition
9. Symmetry

How do these elements help create the mood or feeling of the photograph?

Include a link to the photograph if you can’t include a version of the image so I can easily find it. 

1. Suzanne Stein
Pick from either New York Street One, Two, or Three

2. Janette Beckman
Pick from Hip Hop or US Youth

3. Thomas Holton
The Lams of Ludlow Street

4. Michael Kenna-
New York

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