Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Author: rmichals (Page 5 of 8)

Lab: Week 6 – Global Corrections

Make global adjustments on each example:

Photographers, from left to right: Aljieryon Hill, Aljieryon Hill, Ifetayo Forrest, Andy Vasquez

Post your corrected versions of all four to Flickr.

Select your favorite of your partner’s photos that could look better with some adjustment. Tone it in Lightroom. Your partner will also adjust the same photo. Compare your results. Post both versions titled with each of your names to openlab using a gallery so we can see them side by side.

Now, reverse it. Your partner picks their favorite of your photos. And you both adjust it. Post the results.

Week 6 – Digital Darkroom – Global Corrections


Aspect Ratio-the proportion of the width of the image to the height of a 2D image

Clipping-the intensity of the light falls outside of what can be recorded by the camera and there is a loss of detail.

Color Profile-the data for a digital device, such as a printer or monitor, which describes its gamut, or range of colors. Used to match the gamut from one device to another.

Exif Data-information stored by the camera in the file.

Gamut-range of colors

Histogram- a graphic representation of the tones in an image. A spike of data on the left side indicates underexposure, on the right overexposure.

Neutral Value-RGB values are equal or gray

Non-destructive Editing-adjust the image without overwriting the original image data. Instructions are written to a sidecar file that tells the software how to interpret the image.

White Balance-the setting that adjusts for the color temperature of the light and that will make a white object appear white or a gray object a neutral value

Global Corrections

Global corrections adjust the entire file. In the Lightroom CC, it includes the controls under Light, Color and Effects. In Lightroom classic, this includes everything in the basic panel: White balance, Tone and Presence.

Using the Histogram

The histogram is a graphic representation of the tones in the photograph. It is a guide to exposure decisions. Most images look best when there is a full range of tones from black to white in the image. But there are no iron clad rules.

To access the histogram in Lightroom, from the keyboard select: Command 0

Or get it from the three dots on the right menu bar.

From the top of the histogram, there is a triangular button. Toggle it to turn on/off show clipping.

To maximize the the tonal range, adjust a photo to have some tones that are totally black and totally white but only a few so that you don’t lose detail in either the shadows or the highlights.

Looking at the histogram, we can see that there is not a true black or white. To raise the contrast of the image and use the full tonal range, use the following adjustments:

  • Select show clipping on the top left of the histogram. Adjust the blacks slider to the left until you see bright blue flecks on your image.
  • Select show clipping on the top right of the histogram. Adjust the whites slider to the right until you see bright red flecks on your image.

Most images improve with:

  • shadows slider to +50 add detail to the dark areas
  • the highlights slider brought to the left to bring detail into the highlights.

In this photo of the pier in Coney Island, the histogram shows that is underexposed. But we also know that it is an evening scene and that there is nothing in the photo that should be bright white.

Lightroom Workflow:

  1. Optics: enable lens correction. If there is architecture or a strong horizon line, geometry>upright>auto
  2. Crop.
  3. Color. Adjust the white balance if necessary.
  4. Light
    a. Exposure slider-use to adjust the overall tonality
    b. Set black point using show clipping
    c. Set white point using show clipping
    d. Use shadows slider to brighten mid tones.
  5. Effects – Adjust clarity (mid tone contrast)
  6. App: color – Adjust vibrance and or saturation
  7. Detail panel – Sharpen-amount at least 50

Lightroom CC Resource

Lightroom Classic Resource

A few tips for Lightroom Mobile:

  1. To access the histogram, tap on the image with two fingers. If you can’t really see the histogram background, brighten the display.
  2. To see the image before your corrections, press on the image.

Lab Exercises

Global Corrections


Midterm Project

Midterm Project

Portrait of a place-Select a park or playground near you. You will take photographs in the same location two weeks in a row. Photograph your location at two different times of day or in two types of weather to capture the place and the people who use it in a series of 8 final photos.

Complete project and presentation due October 17th. 10 pts.

  1. 40 photos in an album labeled Shoot 1 on Flickr due Oct 3 at 12 noon.

Portrait of a Place-Your shots should cover a wide range of approaches: long shots to close ups, people including at least one person in motion, animals and plants. Each photo should use light and composition in compelling ways. Show the full range of the techniques that we have tried in class.

2. Second set of 40 Photos in an album labeled Shoot 2 on Flickr due Oct 17th at 12 noon.

3. 8 final photos adjusted in Lightroom in an album labeled Midterm on Flickr due Oct 17th at 12 noon.

4. A brief presentation- 3 to 5 minutes – to the class of your project on Oct 17th.


Chris Huang

The Old Fashioned

Jessica Li


Alex Acero

Lab: Week 5 – Lighting Quality and Direction

Photograph flowers with continuous lights.

Floodlight– light is diffused and wraps around the subject hitting it from many angles. shadows are soft.

Spotlight – light is direct and hits the subject from one angle. Shadows are hard.

In-class Flower Shoot Camera Settings:

  • Resolution=RAW
  • ISO=400
  • WB=Auto
  • Shooting Mode=Tv
  • Shutter speed = 1/125
  • The camera sets the aperture

Every shot has a flower in it as the main subject. The ugly vase should not be seen in any photos. Fill the frame with the flower.

  1. Flood Light

A. Front light: reduces detail, low contrast

B. Side Light floodlight with diffusion: brings out texture.

C. Back Light: shoot the subject against the light-shooting towards the lights.

2. Spot Light

A. Front light: reduces detail, low contrast

B. Side Light spotlight: brings out texture, high contrast

C. Back Light – Point the light at the background only to create a silhouette of the flower.

Either Light

D. Extreme close-up for texture-use extension tube

Put your best 20 in an album on Flickr. Include at least one for spotlight: front, side, back and one for flood light: front, side, back. Please label your images accordingly so know what you intended. Send your best two to the class group.

Week 5 – Light Quality and Direction

Next week, Quiz 1: composition, shutter speed, aperture and depth of field, perspective, lighting direction and quality

Light Quality

Direct light or hard light – the rays of light are nearly parallel and strike the subject from one direction creating hard edged dark shadows with little detail.
Examples: a spotlight, sun on a clear day, or a bare flash

Diffused light or soft light– the rays of light are scattered and coming from many directions. It appears even and produces indistinct shadows. Examples: overcast daylight, a light covered with tracing paper or other translucent material.

Direct Light and Direction

Front light comes from in front of subject from the camera position and the shadows fall behind the subject not concealing any details.

Side Light comes from 90 degrees to the camera. it adds dimension and texture to the subject.

Backlight comes from behind the subject towards the camera.



Lighting Direction


Midterm Project

Class Schedule

Oct 3: Quiz 1, Lightroom, Midterm Project Support

Oct 10: No class, CUNY Monday

Oct 17: Midterm Presentations

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