Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Author: Andy Vasquez

Final Project Statement & mood board

For this project, I plan to take pictures of the MTA subway, more specifically the trains and its environment. Ever since I was little I’ve been very immersed with the MTA subway as it was one of the only ways I would get around, either to school or just to go somewhere with my family. I’ll mostly be aiming to take pictures of how it was for me and how I felt to be at the train station. It’ll have images of rush hour, the station itself, and just how it can look at moments with the train leaving and coming in. I will be taking pictures in Queens and Manhattan because those are the only 2 boroughs that I’ve been to when I was younger. I’ll be taking pictures from both outside stations and inside stations to show two different sides of the spectrum, with some images being from across the other side of the station. I’ll also capture an entire day cycle from morning to dark.  I do plan to use leading lines, fill the frame, rule of thirds, and maybe 1 or 2 oblique angles. I want to capture the current state of the MTA and with that being said, from my experience it’s gotten a lot worse when it comes to rush hour, I remember it being bad but not this bad. Though it still retains a lot of its features that I still remember seeing for the first time as a kid. I’ll be using long and wide shots with good spacing for the image to be visually interesting. I do plan to lower my shutter speed for a few shots to capture people within the station commuting and the train either leaving or entering the station to give it that blur effect in my images.

Ordered ->

Patrick Cashin (7) 

Alexis Antoine (28)

Piotr Osmenda(f)

Lerone Pieters (cu) 

Caio Silva (81) 

Nic Y-C (wide) 

Andy Vasquez_HW1_090423

The photo I chose is DSC01142 Suzanne Stien from the New York Street collection of photographs. What the image displays is an underground train station, I’m unsure of what station it could be; possibly Times Square 42nd Street, but it’s packed with a total of 8 people walking in the same direction and one woman standing in the corner looking at the people passing. It does seem like she is looking at the woman with glasses, but I think the photographer intended to contrast two sides of New York in one image. One seems to be the working class of New York with many people heading in the same direction and the other potentially homeless. The mood of this picture can be described as busy, one side doesn’t look busy but more absorbent, and the other side looks focused.

One of the three elements the photo shows is Rule of Thirds because it depicts both sides of the spectrum. One side, dimmer and in a corner, and the other of a lady, looking like she has somewhere to go. Ironically enough the person on the left seems to be looking at the woman with glasses or if anything, her direction. Another element it depicts is leading lines. It appears to be positioned by the photographer to draw a sense of direction, and with the people walking in that same direction it makes it more powerful. And that leads to my last element used, diagonals. The picture was taken inside of a train station and the way it was photographed as mentioned, gives it tilted lines and controls the environment. These elements each provide much more depth to the photo with its sense of direction. The elements add much more weight with the contrast from two sides of New York. One side, with less light and not much going on, and the other side, with many people but super busy looking.