Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Final Project Statement and Mood Board 

For my final project, I would like to focus on a series of portraits that display the people I interact with every day. In addition, I would like to represent the people I see. I would like to include my coworkers in the portraits because they have an outstanding look that an average person would not have daily such as eyebrow piercing and face tattoos. Also, I will be taking a trip to Puerto Rico, and I want to take a portrait of people that I will be interacting with during my trip. For my coworkers, I will capture them in their workplace or take them outdoors to get indirect lighting. For Puerto Rico, I would like to display the various people that live in Puerto Rico. I will be capturing their photos outside or inside their workplace.  







1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    Great. A series of portraits it is. You have some great examples here. Many are shot in the studio but you can take from those the clean background. Pay attention to what is behind your subjects. Shoot in diffused light. Direct light often casts distracting shadows and also makes the subject squint. Window light is almost always a winner. or outside in shade. Try a range of things with each model especially those in PR as your time with them is more limited than your coworkers.

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