Prof. Anita Giraldo | OL 52 | Fall 2020

Category: Course Activities (Page 3 of 3)

Week 3 Lesson Plan


Lecture: Developing meaning to the image; conveying thoughts and emotions through images. Examples of small images and their impact on actions and ideas. Pictographic systems in world cultures.

Adrinka Symbols: A system of pictograms used throughout Africa in
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Week 2 Lesson Plan


Visual Communication disciplines are reviewed; cultural image and icon differences are discussed; history of icon usage.

Note the rounded edges and glow of the “softer” icon .
The Jesus QR code; shadow-casting icons and social media icons in color.
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Week 1 Lesson Plan


Design is defined, including a review of various design disciplines (architecture, industrial, environmental, gaming, etc). Design is NOT illustration, even if students will be asked to design images.

Specifically: The miniature image/creation of an icon. Examples are given of … Read More

Student Survey

  • Please tell me about the technology and working space that you have available to complete your coursework. Feel free to share any additional information in the last question box. All responses are private.

  • *Required
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Welcome, Students!

This course explores creative visual thinking and its importance to communication design. You’ll experiment with image-making techniques and learn to use graphic elements to communicate concepts and ideas. The course emphasizes the integration of communication concepts, type and graphics and … Read More

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