Class Info

  • Date: November 29, 2021
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location

Homework Due This Class

  • Use the vegetable file provided. Separate each item by using a selection tool and placing it on a layer by itself. Move and duplicate the vegetables as you wish. Use the transformation tools to alter vegetables into a person. See samples from class.


Basic Image Corrections and Retouching

Today, we will discuss basic image corrections and retouching images in Photoshop.

Using the Clone Stamp Tool, torn images, images that need repair
can be corrected.


What you can expect to learn

  • Straightening and Cropping Images
  • Adjusting the color and tone
    • Curves
    • Levels
  • Retouching
    • Content-Aware 
    • Patch Tool
    • Clone Stamp Tool
    • Spot Healing Brush
    • Healing Brush


Each week we will review homework assignments from the previous class. Students will participate in reviewing the colorized images in Photoshop. Pay attention to details used with brushes to create highlights and shadows. Changes to the color mode should also be noticed.


Lab assignments are done during class time.

  • Practice using various retouching tools in the files provided.


Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. This is a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Homework Due Next Class: 

All work should be submitted by 5:00 pm the day before class.

Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention. i.e., 12_LastName.psd (Photoshop).

  • Find an image (head and shoulders, with bad skin preferably) and create layers for correcting skin as demonstrated in class. Use all the tools available to you and use them on individual layers.


Content-Aware Tool, Patch Tool, Clone Stamp, Healing Brush Tool (and spot Healing).
