Category Archives: Student Posts

Grid Type Challenge 11/17

Jiang Hailey_Felix

In this poster, Felix builds a strong hierarchy with scale and arrangement. ‘love’ and ‘inks’ are the largest and was placed in the center of this poster which drags viewers’ attentions. All the informational texts are legible in its size and style.

Colors also play a important role here. By using complementary primary colors like green and red, black and white. It creates a high contrast and a lot of visual vibration. Which is visually appealing to the viewers.

Williams Kayla Felix

This design works best for me because the colors and picture catches my attention and the lettering is easy to read unlike with other posters that caught my attention, but was a bit difficult to read. However, in a way if someone was passing by those other posters and was not in a rush to go anywhere, then they could really stop and try to figure out the other posters. But this one was more easy and still caught my attention.

Hernandez-Garcia Yamileth Felix

I really liked how this design demonstrated more expressive lettering and especially how the poster design brings meaning to the expressive lettering and overall message. The letters are and design fits well with each other showing that the words can’t get out as if it was a maze. There is some sense of hierarchy to this poster design as well.