Category Archives: Step 4 – Deliver
Erick Fiallos_Deliver
SOPHIA TOLENTINO Proj. 4 – Step 4 Deliver

This project was very enjoyable for me as I enjoy woking with Photoshop and Illustrator. I learned how to use the color wheel during this Project and I feel this will be vital knowledge in the future. I will be able to use this information for the next project by being more mindful about the colors incorporated into my composition, and hopefully I will expand my knowledge of color theory even more.
Kambandi Hayer_ project 4
Samridha Lamichhane Project 4 β Color your Selfie : Step 4

I learned a lot in this project, especially in Photoshop, I’ve used Photoshop before but I wasn’t familiar with some features/tools. The use of a magic wand, selecting similar, or filling in the edit sections were all taught to me in this project and this can help me when I’m editing certain stuff on Photoshop. Something I need to learn more about is layering which can get confusing as I donβt how to use it by myself as I have to ask for help, but I will look into it.