Vote Results for the September 25, 2018 for the NYCCT College Council

Special Election to fill vacant At-Large-Delegate positions

74 โ€“ In favor
0 โ€“ Against
0 โ€“ Abstain

Proposal 17-20 Applied Math Major Curriculum Modification

74 โ€“  In favor
0 โ€“ Against
0 โ€“ Abstain

Election to fill vacant Committee on Committees position
Concetta Mennella   โ€“ 64 votes     4 blank

Appeals Committee for Resolution of Student Complaint About Faculty in Academic Settings

Nina Bannett (English) โ€“ 60 votes

Daniel Alter (Restorative Dentistry) โ€“ 49 votes

Neil Katz (Mathematics)  โ€“  39 votes

Daniel Capruso (Social Science) โ€“ 31 votes


Academic Integrity Committee
Anna Matthews โ€“ Dental Hygiene (Elected) โ€“ 28 votes
Mercer Brugler โ€“ Biological Sciences โ€“ 7 votes

Delegates at Large to the College Council (Uncontested)*
Henry Africk โ€“ Mathematics (elected โ€“ 3-year term)
Marco Castillo โ€“ Social Science (elected โ€“ 3-year term)
Stephanie Boyle โ€“ Social Science (elected โ€“ 3-year term)
Dennis Bakewicz โ€“ Biological Sciences (elected โ€“ 3-year term)
Peter Parides โ€“ Social Science (elected โ€“ 3-year term)
Masato Nakamura โ€“ Mechanical Engineering Technology (elected โ€“ 3-year term)

Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee (Uncontested)*
Rosa Abreu-Runkel โ€“ Hospitality Management (elected)
Linda Paradiso โ€“ Nursing (elected)
Mercer Brugler โ€“ Biological Sciences (elected)

University Faculty Senate (Uncontested)*
Kerin Coughlin โ€“ Law & Paralegal Studies (elected)

Personnel Appeals Committee โ€“ Arts and Sciences

*Vacancies for the above committees remain. An election will be conducted in the fall semester to fill the remaining open seats.