Defunding the police and using the money for retraining.

In America at the moment we are facing huge division between people and police as we speak riots and conferences are being held to discuss this major issue between policing and human rights. For over a life time we have seen this issue occur but over the years it has died down but now we see that rise in these actions increase again. When I turn on my tv I see a person of color getting mistreated or killed by a police officer or even multiple police officers. I see these officers using their force in a way that was not taught to them in the academy and I see a way of action that isn’t acceptable. Now how are the people acting back and taking action into their own hand for change? They are rioting as well as protesting and holding conferences to show that they will not stand around and accept the struggle they are facing. so what do us the people want you may ask ? we want the money that is being used for police and and split it to defund them and use it to send them back to do a proper training so that they can learn how to handle and proper serious situation. We the people want a safe and amazing world to live in but we cant feel that if we cant even rely on the people who we trust our lives with to protect us when they are the ones taking our lives.

1 Comment

  1. Rebekah Coleman

    This is an Excellent Free Write! Thanks!

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