This course is broken up into 3 units. Each unit culminates in a final project. You can see a brief description of each of the units below. By clicking on the “Unit Tabs” you will see the Weekly Assignments and important information.

Unit 1: The Literacy Narrative

The focus of this unit will be on developing a strong writing (and reading!) identity. You will reflect on the types of writing you have engaged in previously, your strengths, and goals for future writing. The overarching genre of the unit will be memoir.

Unit 2: Research in Many Genres

You will begin a research and inquiry process that will span Units 2 and 3. The topic can be on an urgent current event or an issue related to your community or NYC. In Unit 2, you will be gathering the research, looking at the reaching from 4 different genres, thinking about how the different genres presents the research/ information on the topic and finally introducing the topic, problem and presenting a possible solution to the problem.

They key in this unit is to think about how different genres present the information on the topic. Who is the intended audience of each piece? What is the genre? What are the constraints? How effective is the message? Would a different genre be more effective? Why or why not? These are the questions that should drive your research and your writing this unit.

Unit 3: Writing in a New Genre

In Unit 3, you will be re purposing your research! You will take the research that you compiled, carefully choose your audience, choose one of the genres you researched and write a piece about the topic in a genre to best meet your intended audience!

Final Portfolio

Your final portfolio will be a showcase of the work you have completed in class so far. It must have at least 6,000 words. It will include the following items:

Project 1: 10%

Project 2: 15%

Project 3: 15%

Final Reflection: 10%

Units 1 and 2 Reflections and any favorite additional pieces: 10%

One example of your revision process (a draft)

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