Winter 2022 | Professors Julian Costa & Rebecca Olerich

Session #2 Reflection

Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.
— Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Choose a question below and write a reflection in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

  • What life experiences have prepared me for college?
  • When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
  • How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

Read and comment on another student’s post. These are your classmates, encourage them to work towards their goals.


  1. Noorshad Jahan

    How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
    Learn from others how I can study and learn in class.

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      That’s great! Don’t forget that office hours with your professor and tutoring are also there as well! πŸ™‚

  2. Geovany Flores

    learns from others will help me get through something that it’s hard for me to understand or asking the professor or classmate. when it comes to something that I really want to understand I can go online and search for the specific information or watch videos on YouTube.

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Yes! Learning from your peers, going to office hours, watching youtube videos and also going to tutoring are great ways to understand difficult material.

  3. Jesus

    I would try to study and learn more about my college. I will also try to work with others more often to socialize more. I might even try out some activities in college. These will be my positive academic habits

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Doing activities and getting involved is a great way to socialize, make friends, and build positive academic habits!

  4. Rosalina Lopez

    What life experiences have prepared me for college?

    Well, I have been thought a lot of things during my life, but I think what prepared me for college the most, was becoming a parent. As a young parent, I had to become more responsible and take care of my own. I have to work and look for a better future not only for myself but for my kids and that’s what motivate me to go back to school. As I grow up with them, I learned how to manage my money better, priorities our needs and mange my time wisely. Which I believe these skills would be great when it comes to college, because I hope to be able to manage my classes, have time to study and work as I make a better living. Also I learned how to have more patience, without patience I learned that you get no where and its better to take things slowly and not stress than to rush things and never accomplish what you intended to do.

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Wow, I am so proud of you and inspired by you for choosing to go back to school to create a better future for yourself and your kids. You can do this! You’ve already picked up skills on balance and priorities, you just not have to apply them to your schoolwork. And remember, there’s help when you need it πŸ™‚

  5. LeAnn

    How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
    In order to create these positive habits I just have to manage my time and sleep schedule correctly. For example I work all morning from 6am to 12pm. Usually I just come home and sleep all afternoon but I want to start taking shorter naps so that I will have time for school. It’s easy to get exhausted because I work in a warehouse. But I realized the longer I sleep the shorter my day is so I basically just have to control my sleeping pattern and have a set schedule so that I can have time for school. When I sleep less I’ll have more time to focus on my assignments and grades.

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Balance in time management is suuuper imporntant! I know it can be difficult to balance school, work, life, and sleep. Something that has helped me is creating and writing out a schedule for myself, so I know exactly when I’m supposed to be doing what and I can easily keep track of the time that I’m spending πŸ™‚

  6. Lauren

    What life experiences has prepared me for college?

    having to work at my current job has taught me a lot about how to deal with time management, people,how to focus on a given task, how to be persistence and consistence and i think that has given me the opportunity to have the best attitude and mindset towards college.

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Time management, focus, and consistency are all super important habits for college success! It’s great that you already have experience doing these things. Now all you have to do is apply what you already know how to do to your school work! πŸ™‚

  7. Tray

    I will create a positive academic habit for myself by, taking more accountability of doing my assignments if not ahead of time then at least touch upon it before hand briefly, and being on top of classes that can strongly effect my gpa overall and ones that may strike more of a challenge to me.

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      Accountability is sooo important and is something people sometimes forget about, so I’m glad it’s something you’re going to implement!

  8. Hannah collazo

    Q3: How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
    I will create positive academic habits by taking things slow and asking for help when I need it. My first step was applying to this city tech workshop because I knew I needed guidance when I entered college. Another step I am taking is trying to create my own routine during the break so that I am ready for the spring semester.

    • Ngozi Okonkwo

      These are all great ways to create positive academic habits! Keep up the good work!

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