Author Archives: treoline

Haley Treoline Reading Assingment 2

What I have gather from the two articles is that both articles have different view on performance. The article “The article “The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch. Lynch mentioned that “environmental image are affected by a two-way process between the observer and the observed objects.” From what I have gather from this statement is that each individual will interpret image in they own way. He also stated that “beautiful and delightful city environment is an oddit.” My understanding of this is that these types of cities are remarkably unusual. Lynch believed that performance could be when individuals activity moving around. Lynch also believed that one perception of performance is not sustained but could be fragmentary and mixed with other concerns.

On the other hand the article “Performing Tourism Staging Tourism” by Tim Edensor, mentioned that tourism is a process that involves the ongoing reconstruction of practicing ideas and space in a shared contex. Unlike Lynch who believed that tourism or performance could be at anywhere at any time. It does not have to be practice ideas and taken place in a specific setting. Edensor stated that “tourism evolve from class, gender, ethnicity”, and I believed he is saying that tourism and performance is develop or achieve gradually over a period of time depending on one’s biological make up. Unlike Lynch who believe that performance take place naturally.



Haley Treoline In class Assignment 11


This is my commute I did to get to school this morning. I leave from the building where I work, which is the building on the left of my drawing. When I drove out from the parking lot, I end up on Atlantic Ave. I drove for 15 minutes on this Avenue. It was a gridlock driving down Atlantic Ave. I then make a right on Flatbush Ave. Traffic was constantly interrupted by pedestrians. It takes me 10 mins to get to Myrtle Ave, then I park, get out and walk to school. Here I am