Technology played a big role in graphic design when it first emerged because it allowed designers to be more efficient. The reading claimed that “Designers are looking beyond successful business and aesthetic practices to the broader effects of the culture they helped create.” Having the accessibility to technology allows graphic designers to play a deeper role in society. They can tackle other topics such as ones that fall into the social and political changes. The reading states, “Designers are actively engaging their societies politically and culturally, increasingly thinking globally inside a tightly networked world. As more and more designers, enabled by technology, produce both form and content, issues like sustainability and social justice are moving to the forefront.” (page 11) Designers are able to bring these issues that affect society into light because of technological advances. However, designers should be careful on what they give out to their clients and the public because they “run the risk of being creatively sidelined by it.” (page 11) If a designer gives up all his tricks of the trade, nobody will need his services in the long run because everything will be available for anyone to use. In conclusion, technology has played an impactful role in shaping design and the role design has on society. Design allows artists to reach another demographic once they bring in social justices.
Tag: Reading Response #1
Warde, Beatrice. The Crystal Goblet, or Why Printing Should Be InvisiblePrinceton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 39-43., Kepes, György. Language of Vision: Painting, Photography, Advertising-Design, Paul Theobald, 1949. Pages 200-221
The design I chose is the Macintosh 128K Home Computer, it’s the original Macintosh personal computer released in 1984. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer, Inc., hired Hartmut Esslinger to design a visual code that would produce a range of design variations. Their goal was to make technology accessible. The computer is beige with a 9-inch monitor and came with a keyboard and mouse. It was built with a handle at the top of the case to be easily transported. The release of this computer was a historic moment not only for Silicon Valley but for computer and design history.
Steve Jobs grew up around Bauhaus principles, however, Apple’s earliest computers didn’t reflect the Bauhaus style. It wasn’t until 1981 that Steve Jobs attended a design conference at the Aspen Institute where he realized he needed to make his products more aesthetically pleasing. He was inspired by the look of the Aspen Insitute, where the campus, furniture, and even typography were designed by the Bauhaus architect, Herbert Bayer. Macintosh made typography a readily available communication tool. Previously, only graphic designers and printers worked with fonts. But had always been central to Bauhaus designs. Jobs included a library of fonts in Macintosh allowing writers and designers to better express their work through typography.
Design is important, it’s all around us. Every time a designer creates something, they are trying to communicate something to the world. A good design has a purpose, communicates a message, and is aesthetically pleasing at the same time.Technology has shaped design in many ways. Its accessibility allows for an amount of exposure never seen before. In seconds your work is available to be seen by people all over the world. Technology has also impacted design in the sense of adding new mediums that weren’t available before. Almost anyone can create art using technology and it allows for artists to easily be involved in every step of the design process. Design plays a major role in society, it is all around us and and affects our day to day life even when we don’t realize is. It’s also very important because it can be used to sway public opinion. Avant-Garde artists wanted to change the way art was perceived. They didn’t like the way art was subjective and authoritative. They chose to break the rules in place and create art with ideals of anonymity and objectivity, but with the excess of exposure and involvement technology provides designers, these ideals are harder to deliver. Designers are responsible for solving these problems because so much of our culture lies in their hands. From functionality to belief systems, design is crucial to society.
- According to this author, what role should design play in society?
The author believes that graphic designers tend to put a lot of their energies into their field when creating their work and branding themselves as maker. According to the Author, graphic designers from the 1900s would describe old artworks as “shamefully elitist and ego-driven.” In their mind, it was bourgeois and a subjective vision that corrupted society. Graphic design become a profession that subjectivity was replaced by the idea of objectivity.
- What role does technology play in shaping design?
The role that technology played in shaping design is Technology today would put out creation, production, and distribution into the hands of the designer. It would enable bold assertions of the artistic presence. Technology today would be used by graphic designers to create and communicate through their artwork.
- What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?
The most urgent problems we designers would be facing today is feeling of stress and fear. I would be saying stress is one of the problems that we designers would have to face because you have deadlines for your client. you feel the stress when worrying that you won’t make it to the deadline. The biggest thing I believe designers faced the most is fear. They would have the fear that their work wouldn’t be good enough for their clients.
- How, and why, is a designer responsible for solving these problems?
It is the designer’s responsibility to be solving these problems because we are the one who creates the artwork that communicates a message to the viewer.
What role does technology play In shaping design?
Technology has facilitated designing for creators in the sense that they’ve made it easier and faster for it to come out into the world. As stated in page 9 “ Digital technology puts creation, production, and distribution into the hands of the designer enabling such bold assertions of artistic presence” These new and emerging tools are being taken advantage of to freely create art in a form in which they can express themselves , gain public feedback and make themselves known. Arising artist’s are putting more emphasis on “ authorship” although anonymity has been going on for quite some time. As stated on page 9 “Early models of graphic design were built on ideals of anonymity, not authorship”. Technology has shaped the way design was heading towards, it shifted paths and now it’s more modernized and it continues to grow as stated on page 13 “ Designers are actively engaging their societies politically and culturally, increasingly thinking globally inside a tightly networked world”.
What role does technology play in shaping design?
This new world is where technology is open to all, taking advantage of computer-based software for design, digital printing, and online platforms, Sharing ideas, research, and connecting one to another. Undoubtedly, technology is one of the first factors in shaping design.
What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?
Designers work as problem solvers and communicators for their Clients to the original consumer. Creative designers’ have to research before creating a design and require a deep understanding of the product or service, the client’s requirements and finally, convey a clear message with an artistic way of communication tool to the target group. As an artist or creative, Creatives’ work is different, its require to communicate and connect people, carrying deep understanding, research work, and a solution maker for clients.
According to this author, what role should design play in society?
Author expressed design act like openmindness, neutrality and instead of emotion. 1900s artists from avant-garde disliked the old art style and identifyi it as a corruption to society. After peer review, I can tell the model of objectivity rather than subjectivity is important and the most advanced technology should drive the future design to play strong and impactful impressions.
What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?
In today’s world most of the problem occurs when a designer still trying to continue to champion the ideas of neutrality and objectivity. Modern era and technological improvement didn’t allow easily to achieve it. Practical design world is connected to the Client and original consumer. The role designer play like a think tank and try to put his ideas and vision to the design to connect easily, sometimes the client do not understand the big idea and require changes like like color shape and composition. If the designer have clear idea what he created and why? It become easy to explain and something nothing work because we work for clients. Meetup the deadline and getting expected result is also big challenge.
Reading Response #1
- According to this author, what role should design play in society?
I think that the author was talking about that as designers we should maintain ownership of our work. That we should be universal in our designs, to actively think outside the box and incorporate new ideas and that we should address social issues that are present at that time. Designers are actively engaging their societies politically and culturally, increasingly thinking globally inside a tightly networked world. Jessica Helfand asks that we think beyond technical practicalities and begin really “shaping a new and unprecedented universe.” Just as designers in the early twentieth century rose to the challenges, of their societies, so can we take on the complexities of the rising millennium. Delving into theoretical discussions that engage both our past and our present is a good start.
- What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?
As designers we should always be neutral and be more objective in our designs. Our goal as designers is find a find to convey our client’s message but at the same time add our own personal touch while staying neutral and being objective. Today some graphic designers continue to champion ideals of neutrality and objectivity that were essential to the early formation of their field. Such designers see the client’s message as the central component of their work. They strive to communicate this message clearly, although now their post-postmodern eyes are open to the impossibility of neutrality and objectivity.
- What role does technology play in shaping design?
I think that as technology grew overtime since its inception, it has made designing much easier. The more technology continues to progress in our society, we as designers can be more inventive and creative in our work. Technology is allowing designers to create the impossible. Digital technology puts creation, production, and distribution into the hands of the designer, enabling such bold assertions of artistic presence. These acts of graphic authorship fit within a broader evolving model of collective authorship that is fundamentally changing the producer-consumer relationship. As a result of technology, content generation by individuals has never been easier. As more and more designers, along with the rest of the general population, become initiators and producers of content, a leveling is occurring. A new kind of collective voice, more anonymous than individual, is beginning to emerge.
- What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?
The design field is about communication, function, and aesthetics. Designers seek to communicate and attract the audience to the product that they are advertising. The utilization of various colors, type, shapes, etc… creates a diverse field of creativity, mental flexibility, and visual language. The connection between designer and client has to be strong and with the popularization of technology tools, templates and other resources were made for clients.
- What role does technology play in shaping design
The development/use of technology has brought about a radical change in the design field and has become the foundation of our work in modern society. It has made the job of designing much easier especially with the tools provided, allowing more complex designs and also establishing a better and easier link of communication between artist/designer and client. As stated in Page 10, “As a result of technology, content generation by individuals has never been easier.”
- According to this author, what role should design play in society?
Design should play a role of neutrality instead of emotion. As of the early 1900s avant-garde artists disliked the old art world, seeing it as a corruption to society, shamefully elitist and ego driven.Rather they preferred the ideal of objectivity instead of subjectivity and as graphic design advanced towards a technology driven future that’s what should happened.
According to this author, what role should design play in society?
The author believed that designs should play a neutral part in society, something that is trying to communicate a message. Something that gives the creator the freedom to create that message in their own way. It is something that should not be known simply by a title or who created it. But by the work that went into it and how it communicates the message it is trying to get across. It should not be something tied down by the will of the buyer but something that should give the designer freedom to express themselves in any way they see fit.
What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?
What distinguishes design from other creative fields is that the designer is in control of what they make. While they do have to follow the will of the client they are one’s creating the image using ideas from their own head. How they choose to bring those ideas together is up to them. Take painting for example. Most of the time the painter is limited to creating a painting of what is in front of them so that they can make sure the image is perfect. Those limitations are not on designers who are simply creating an image from their own heads and imaginations.
Why should designers concern themselves with unsolvable theoretical questions?
Designers should be concerned about theoretical questions because it is those kinds of questions that allow their designs to grow. Asking themselves whether this will fit into a design. Whether something like this would be in what I am creating. Finally, if someone were to see it would it grab their attention? Questions like these push the design to improve and expand their work making it better than it was when they started.
What role does technology play in shaping design?
Technology plays an important role in design because as it grows and advances so does design in the way it is created. For example, today with things like photoshop and illustration designers can bring drawings to life and control the look and feel of a design a lot better than they did before. Technology gives the design better control over how things look in the design they are creating. It lets them erase work without having to redo complete everything in the design and stress over whether they can get it done. Technology plays an important role and grows along with design.
What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?
Some of the most urgent problems that are facing designers today are stress over the deadlines of a design. Fitting in the client’s desires alongside what you want to create as a designer. Fear over whether your work is unique enough or whether you are simply copying someone else’s work. Finally trying to stay up on all the latest technological advances in design in order to stay relevant in the public eye.
How, and why, is a designer responsible for solving these problems?
It is a designer’s responsibility to solve these problems because they are the only ones who can. This is their field of work no one will know more about it than them so only they can solve it. They simply have to push themselves to solve it, to think before they act, and consider all their possibilities before making a move. Ask themselves questions before they start working whether this will work or what is my next step that is the only way this gets resolved.
- According to this author, what role should design play in society?
According to the author in the early 1900’s many avant-garde artists, looked at the old art and wanted to change it’s bourgeois and subjective visions that corrupted society. Instead they wanted to change it to represent the ideas of neutrality and objectivity in our society.
- What role does technology play in shaping design?
technology played a big role in shaping design because of the changes and facilities that it provided it. With technology is easier to create content like the creation of the DIY. it helps to the creation, distribution and production of design.
- What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?
Most of the problems are that today designers still try to continue to champion the ideas of neutrality and objectivity. But in this modern and technological society it’s not easy to achieve
Armstrong, Helen. “Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde” Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 9-15.
- What role does technology play in shaping design?
Designers play such a big role in society since they have the most powerful tools at their disposal to create and alter the things we interact with on a daily basis. We can see how the author talks about the way technology is changing the relationship between the producer and the consumer. by enabling designers to design, produce and distribute their content at a massive rate. Technology has opened a huge door and given so much freedom to designers to use tech to express themselves and make the impossible possible. It gives them access to publicly make something go viral in minutes before that was far from possible until technology arrived at the designers’ fingertips.
the author says, “Already designers increasingly create tools, templates, and resources for their clients and other users to implement.” Here we see the things that designers do to make other people’s lives easier. this is one of the many reasons but a major one that distinguishes the field of design from any other creative occupation. Designers work to create solutions or services to better assist the clients with their needs. We have to stop, think, and analyze what the client needs and then continue and develop and test possible solutions.
- What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?
Today some graphic designers continue to champion ideals of neutrality and objectivity that were essential to the early formation of their field. Nowadays graphic designers must take note and consciously position themselves within the prosumer culture or run the risk of being creatively sidelined by it.
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