Social Photos

The ability to produce photography has never been as easy as it is today. We have cell phones that can capture a still with amazing detail. Not only can we take amazing photos with ease, but now we can also store unlimited photos. What do we do with the resources we pay so much for? We enjoy it. Once that image is captive, what’s the point of its existence? One option is for it to live in a digital file among the others on a badly organized mass storage drive never to be seen again.

An alternative to letting these moments fade away in the back of a drawer is to share it. Previously people would have parties and some time in the evening a photo album is out and memories are being shared. Now we share in each others experiences without having to interact with the person who’s intimate moment we are sharing in.

Social media has changed the way we share our experiences. It’s given the publisher the gratification of publicly saying “Hey, look at this cool thing I made.” The viewers get to live vicariously through these images and get pleasure from its intrigue.

I believe that the integration of social media is predominantly a positive step for the relevance of photography as an art form. For an up and coming artist or the established artist, Instagram can be a career changing platform. Like most platforms for art consumption, it’s less about the art and more about who sees it and what opportunities are available. However, on the flip-side a well developed concept and execution is more likely to attract long term benefits. Photography is and always will be an art. The level of intent behind the image is up to the artist,if they dare call themselves that.

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