While reading about soldier’s diets during the civil war, I was intrigued by how little food they consumed. Hardtack was a type of biscuit made from unleavened flour, water, and salt, and this was a primary source of food for soldiers during the war due to its incredible shelf life. This does not sound appetizing at all and a soldier’s day during wartime must have been one of great exhaustion. How could they power through the tribulations of battle on such little fuel. If I sit down and study for an hour I feel the need to eat, so i cannot relate to their pain. In addition, I was also interested by how intrigued soldier’s were by coffee, writing about it constantly in their diaries and spending much of their downtime fantasizing about their “delicious cup of black”.
A food item I cannot live without is pasta. I eat pasta every other day and it is my go to order and any restaurant: