HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

With social media turning from more recreational use to an actual app for business people are now finding ways to sponsor business and in turn get paid for those sponsorship. With an app like Instagram which is meant for the eye catching, aesthetically pleasing photographs even a simple picture has an opportunity to garner attention. In the wide realm of photography people have taken a fascination to pictures and videos of food which is known as food porn. With a proper search of the hashtag food on Instagram you’ll find out just how much people are fascinated with food. Its almost as if food just looks so good you just have to take a picture of it. But its also something to document a memory for some people, the food represents a moment. When you see a picture or video of food its satisfying to you, it comforts you, and makes you hungry or crave that particular food item you see in the picture. With food photography it creates this art and beauty in food no one would really ever acknowledges. Seeing a photograph of a beautifully laid out thanksgiving table showcases a beauty of food no one ever really pays attention to. Not only do see the shapes and colors of the different foods but also you visualize the taste and smell of it. Food photography evokes all 5 of your senses so not only do your eyes become involved with the picture of food but also your entire body.

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HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Nowadays, food photography is getting very famous. Posting pictures of food has become a trend in social media. In order to make a food photography more appealing to the viewer, we need color which catches and pleases our eyes much easier. We also tend to alter the picture in various ways to make it even more tempting. However, these alterations would not be effective without color. Color bring any image to life and makes it more attractive. William Eggleston opened the door to color photography which inspired this generation.
When Eggleston first introduced color photography other photographers criticized him, although now almost every photographer use the method of color photography to make their photographs alluring to the audience.
Just like most people my family had a Thanksgiving party as well. To follow the trend of posting food photographs on social media, we first started taking pictures of the meal and shared on social media with our friends and family.

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Devin’s HW#3: Color, Food Photography and Instagram

Food photography on social media has been buzzing recently with millennials. Many people fail to notice the art in capturing photos of a plate of food, which can be seen whenever you take pictures of the food you’re about to eat and the person besides you are rolling their eyes. Much like the way critics viewed Eggleston’s show as full of “boring” subjects, using colored art allows for an awe in presentation, using the subject matter with the addition of color to draw in an eye-opening audience. Food Photography brings so many people together, a representation of culture, tradition and family/friendship. Although I don’t view food photography as a beautiful thing, I can see the appeal people have for it.

For Thanksgiving, my mother began cooking a week early. These types of preparations include cakes, pastries, and pies and of course the main hot dishes. There’s ham, chicken, string beans, yellow rice, small bread, and macaroni and cheese. This image represents the time my family said everything we’re thankful for before eating, the feeling in the home during the holidays, and the use of bright colors.

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Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

In today’s world, food photography on social media could be used in many different ways such as advertising or comparing whose plate of food looks the best the on Thanksgiving. The social media platform Instagram is well-known for Food photography, with over billions of user and numerous of people may own a bodega or restaurant uses Instagram to capture that urge craving one may have after seeing their photographs of the different foods or show the quality of work that they can produce. In the article Best of Instagram of Food Photograph by Amadou Diallo, he states that “Adrianna Adarme, combines a passion for food and photography to delicious effect on her Instagram feed, A Cozy Kitchen. In a style this former filmmaking student describes as, “casual and inspired by color”, Adarme uses an expert eye for shape and texture to create sumptuous visual treats of everything from three course meals to Mister Softee cones.” With that being said I believe Instagram and Food photography goes hand-in-hand with each other. Reason being is because many Food companies such as Sprite, Popeyes, Papa John’s uses social media for commercial purposes and promote new meals.

The photo above is a Jamaican dish called Oxtail with rice and piece.

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HW 3 – Selene

The use of social media has become the new tendency among every age. Every day we made a post about our daily routine in Instagram, Snapchat or any other social media app. Photos vary from places, activities or food which has become the popular one. Food is exceptional because of the different and colorful ingredients that made a perfect dish or dessert, but also make people have that feeling to share it before enjoying it.

As somebody mention before, I also used to feel bothered by the bad habit of people, who take pictures of everything they eat. However, I was influenced to do it. I’m always taking pictures of everything. I like to share what I see and the way I see it. Therefore, I agree with the fact that a right image needs to have good lighting, detail, can be blurry but the color is the key to catch the eyes of someone who’s looking at your profile.
The photos taken by William Egleston which disturbed some were the starting point of a new meaning of photography. Because photos were used to be about scenes or events that provide a message or feeling toward the viewers. Egleston picture didn’t communicate a message. Mainly because were of objects, moments, just a click of what attracted Eagleton. I think he wasn’t looking for a message or meaning. Instead, he wanted to share what he sees it in color. Remember that even black and white photos were hard to be taken and be considered reasonable. It is the same with Color because get a good photo and make each color become one is difficult. Yes, the color was a significant change in photography because without color we wouldn’t have those fantastic portraits, views, or photos of food that we view every day.
The following photos are a sandwich with cheese, broccoli, and other vegetables and then a bowl of fruit with honey and granola.


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Jose Angel Carchi: HW#3 Color, Food Photography and Instagram

Thanksgiving is a time to have family together and to celebrate time with family and friends. Although we get together we also have a giant feast with different size of food and quantity that fill our stomachs up. With all the different food chooses we see we also notice the amount of colors that the food displays which makes out hunger impatient. Social media has people communication and shared photography to get positive feedback on. The way they use filter, grabs the attention of people but let’s not forget how the distance, lighting, focus, color, and use of balance.  When people notice it they comment on it cause of how they can relate to it and sometimes just want to let them know how amazed they are after seeing it. It can be at home or restaurant during the holidays or special event but in business or personal they would blog about the food they ate in a negative or positive way that can effect the places who served them. In the end we love to eat great food and want others to know about it.

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HW#3 Color, Food Photography and Instagram

Something that was once so annoying to me, “people taking pictures of  everything they eat”, I must admit I’m one of those persons since I’ve noticed that it gets more likes than anything else I post.  I love watching colored pictures of food online,  because visually its very easy to recognize exactly what is on the plate, which makes me know that I could recreate it. The professional photos on Instagram however, are visually beautiful but not necessarily appetizing to the taste. I recently watched a program on ” how to get the most likes on food photography”, the photographer made it clear that the foods which photographed the best were almost inedible,but deceivingly they look very appetizing.


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HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Nowadays, posting photos of foods on social media became the new trend. We tend to spend a lot of time editing our photos to make sure it is appealing and appetizing to the viewers. On most of the special occasion, I share food photos on social media with my friends and family. My family and I don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving because we believe there shouldn’t be a specific day to be thankful. We often get together on the most weekend and have a potluck. We also had a get-together party on Thanksgiving weekend. There was a lot of food and before we started to eat, first, we all took photos of the foods on the table.Color is a very important aspect of every photo, especially in food photography. When we are taking photos of our food, we always make sure we get the perfect lighting and later on we add more colors and fix the brightness, saturation and etc. Color makes the photo more live and appealing. It also helps us see details in the photos clearly.

William Eggleston is known for inventing color photography. He was the first one to produce a color photo. During that time many photographers didn’t like the idea of color photography and critiqued Eggleston works. But his photos “offered a powerful argument for the use of color photography in art, paving the way for the generations of color photographers that followed.”(Cain, paragraph 2). In today’s world, Eggleston’s work has been constantly used on the biggest network site which is social media.

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Nimesh – HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

There are different types of photography that are pleasant to us and one of them is food Photography. For food lovers like me, some people like to spend money on trying out different restaurants and cuisines. And, the first thing we do is think about social media and post the pictures of food on Instagram or Snapchat. Online platforms also have options for food bloggers to post their work regarding that aspect to help the public. Social media is the space where both owners of restaurants and chefs get to present their problem to catch the public’s eye. Food photography is seen as a type of art because just like anything else we put the same effort in presenting the food in a manner that suits our eyes. Not only does it revolve around aesthetics but it’s useful in a sense that it inspires every parent to go out of their way to make a special lunch or dinner happen. It can also be used as an advertisement because of how we, food lovers get tempted and want to try restaurants because of the photography based on how delicious it looks. It also gives an inside for different cultures and varieties of cuisines around the world that we haven’t tried yet. Through the form of photography, we could at least share the main essence of our culture which is food.

I love flan so around the holidays my family tends to make a lot of flan.

Image result for flan


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Vladislav Tregubov HW 3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Smart people do not read glossy magazines, they publish them!
Andrei Konchalovsky (Russian Film director, screenwriter)

I want to paraphrase this quote and say, smart people do not contemplate photo in Instagram, they publish them. I respect the people who make money out of thin air, but I cannot understand the people who spend their time for viewing those photos without any money for it. Maybe, I do not understand something in this modern trend.

I decided to check my photo archive and I discovered that there is no one photo with an only food plate or table! I have never made a just food pictures. I always made a person’s portraits without or with something else because food-photo was not interesting for me. I have photographed still lifes, but it never was a food. I rather prefer eat my meal but not photograph it. Therefore, I decided to do something unusual in my case. For this homework, I created special ice cream and photographed it as if professional photographs do it for glossy magazines.

Good color is a very important thing for any photograph but even now, sometimes, very difficult to create photo with a good quality of color rendition. Our eyes do not notice that all light sources have different color temperatures, but not photo camera. Even modern so-called smart cameras can make a mistake if there are two or more different sources of light, for example the sunlight and incandescent lamp. In food photo, it is even more important than in other type of photo, because the main idea for this photo trend is to persuade the audience that this food is delicious. For example, unlikely somebody can want to eat the meat with blue or green color. For best quality and natural color, I made photo during daylight and use only the freshest ingredients. I tried to do my food photo delicious and natural exactly as professionals do it for magazines or Instagram. I hope you like it!

P.S. Not all that is written above is true! If interested, try to guess what is not true?


Little story about how I did this picture in reality.

I tried to do my food photo exactly as professionals do it and I use their methods for creating ice cream. I use hair conditioner and cornstarch for preparing fake ice cream and added red food coloring for more natural color. All my “natural and freshest” ingredients are shown at the photo.

For the best quality and natural color, I really wanted to use daylight, but without red color in composition, image was not interesting. See the example picture.

I need to add some red color into my photo. I bought a raspberry, but then I did it, the sun has already set and I had to use the lamps. For imitation of natural light, I used four lamps plus mirror. Base of the vase reflects some of those lamps. Of course, I could remove these reflections, but did not do it deliberately.

This is my little secret how to do such yummy ice cream.

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