HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Nowadays, food photography is getting very famous. Posting pictures of food has become a trend in social media. In order to make a food photography more appealing to the viewer, we need color which catches and pleases our eyes much easier. We also tend to alter the picture in various ways to make it even more tempting. However, these alterations would not be effective without color. Color bring any image to life and makes it more attractive. William Eggleston opened the door to color photography which inspired this generation.
When Eggleston first introduced color photography other photographers criticized him, although now almost every photographer use the method of color photography to make their photographs alluring to the audience.
Just like most people my family had a Thanksgiving party as well. To follow the trend of posting food photographs on social media, we first started taking pictures of the meal and shared on social media with our friends and family.

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