Photography, Selfies and Cindy Sherman

Photography has turned everyone into an artist, some not as great as others, but to some extent we all have at one point taken a photograph that we were proud of and wanted to share, so others could appreciate it like we do. Photographs used to be in albums, usually it wasnt something that you were proud to show off, it was amateurish, the angle and the lighting didnt make you look good .The photographs on display was usually the ones taken by professionals. Now photography is considered “Art” and people are proud to show the world their photos.

Selfies are a way to market yourself, there are many features that you could use to portray yourself the way you know you look. Many people have mastered the art of photo shopping but they have also mastered angling, lighting, props, color contrast many tools to take the perfect photo and then share it with the world. Art is defined as ” the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or  sculpture producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power”.

Cindy Sherman transforms herslf to art in her selfies, the colors are interesting and very engaging. Instagram is a way to showcase it to the world and also makes her accessible to engage, and answer questions about it. I wasnt sure what was real or staged. Maybe its the way she sees herself. She has photos of her in a hospital bed, Maybe thats how she feels inside. It’s interesting.

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