typography neighborhood


Joval Davis 1/31/14
Journal #1


In this world there are all types of typography some that are colorful and unique and that are dull and boring but thought theses types of typography we learn many things about what the typography is trying to say. In my neighborhood I have many examples of typography and it is thought these that I have learned many new things about my neighborhood. One thing is that my neighborhood is very dull do to the fact much of the typography in my neighborhood is not very creative most of it is just bold face word with colors in them and seem to require no thought at all. The second thing that the typography of my neighborhood has told me is that my neighborhood is very simple it is not fancy and simply tells people what they are and what they do I got this from the typography because the type is arranged in a simple manor going from top to bottom and many time attaching picture show have they have. Finally the typography of my neighbor hood tells me its is busy because even thought my neighborhoods typography is not creative it does seem to catch the attention of the person passing by with its bright and dark colors and the shadowing that is used behind each lettering the word and even thought some of them are not very thought out they seem to do there job by attracting the passer by to step into or try what they are doing. I have learned that the typography is my neighborhood could tell me almost anything I wanted to know about my neighborhood and I have taken to heart every lesson I gained even thought my neighborhood is not the best at making typography it is still a great place to live.


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