Author Archives: Jacquelyn Blain

Marketing tips and ideas

These sites will give you lots of ideas for your Marketing Presentation:

  1. These first two are from Forbes, a magazine targeted to businesses.
  2. This one has tips for marketing if your budget is limited:
  3. And this last one is specifically for small businesses, from Inc. magazine for small business:

750-word Expanded Definition

This next project is a 750-1000 word expanded definition. It should define a term that’s important to your studies and future career. It should be something you’re interested in and passionate about. To do this, you must use at least three library-sourced citations and use APA citation both in-text and in a separate References page. Here’s a template for the final document:  750-word-doc-template with example

For the first class (9/28), we’ll focus more on what you already know about the term you’ve selected, researching the term as defined by others and the use of the term in various publications. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a new document for your expanded definition.
  2. In your own words, define the term that you’re writing about.
  3. Read about your term on Wikipedia, paying attention to the kinds of information Wikipedia has about it, and focusing especially on the references section for possible sources in your further research. NOTE: Wikipedia can NOT be one of your three sources, but it’s a great place to get ideas for where to go next.
  4. Locate sources that define your selected term. Copy quotations and document all bibliographic information in the document you already opened. The more quotations and uses you can find, the more material you’ll have access to in writing the content of your expanded definition document.
  5. Think about what images you could incorporate into your document, especially when it comes to the audience-directed sentences. For example, if you’re writing about cloud computing and your first sentence is directed at middle school students, you could create an image of clouds connected to a computer; if your audience is other professionals, you could take a photo of a line of servers. Be creative and experiment. If you want to find something online, you’ll need to find things that are public domain or Creative Commons licensed (search here for things you can use, and be sure you attribute the images if the source asks you to).

Bring all your research to the next class.

For the next class (10/5), you’ll be writing a draft of your Expanded Definition and getting feedback from each other. That includes deciding what images to use and putting them into your document. Once you get their feedback (and mine), you’ll take it all home and bring in a final draft of the Expanded Definition on October 12.

Lecture slides