Jacquelyn Blain

Introduction- Genesis

Hello! My name is Genesis and I am from the Dominican Republic. I moved here when I was about 13 years old along with my Dad and two sisters. I am currently working on getting my Bachelors of Science in Radiologic Technology. Is a lot of work because I am working full time but I will make it!

One of my sisters and me went to DR a few month ago to visit gramma. Here is a picture of my gramma’s little house that’s been there for ever. Also look at the big mango tree that has all its branches on top of the roof. All day we can hear mangos falling onto the celling. lol. (The mangos from gramma’s tree are specially sweet and delicious)

Gramma’s little house! is no big but cozy and she loves to have people over. Watch out for the mangos!!!!!!!


  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    I love mangos! I probably never had one as good as those on your grandma’s tree. And I have to admit: focus is a big issue for me so I totally hear what you say

  2. Lucia

    I love mangos my self, its the best fruit to have especially around the summer time.
    Also, I would love to visit DR, my best friends family are from there and we talk about going all the time.

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