Jacquelyn Blain

Lucia’s World

My boyfriend and I love going to Connecticut, we took this shot near the beach the beginning of the year.

Hey everyone! My name is Lucia, I was born and raised in Brooklyn. I work for a breast cancer center for the last 4 years as a Chief File Clerk. This is the first year I’ve attended college since I graduated Highschool in 2009, being a single mom of two Dominick and Alicia who are my world. Being the main provider for these past 11 years, I have not been able to do anything for my self and this year with the courage and support of my boyfriend Gustavo, I am making my dreams come true.

I am pursuing a degree in health care management, to fix a lot of health care issues through managers and employees I see on a daily and that’s why I am starting with getting my associates in health care science. It has truly been a crazy year and I am taking it step by step with support and care from those who surround me.

Nothing is easy in life, but with every step and action you take it always makes a difference. So come on English 2, lets see what you have in store for me.


  1. Anonymous

    I love your attitude! I was a single mom myself, raised my daughter alone, and I have the utmost respect for anyone who does that. Parenthood is the best, hardest job in the world.

    I also absolutely love that picture. I’m so glad we’re starting to be able to go places like this again.

    Sounds like you have a great plan for a career, and are you ever needed! I come from a medical family and know how, uh, complicated it all is. Good for you!

    • Lucia

      Thanks, I been in the medical field now for over 11 years from dental to radiology. I love taking care of patient, even though they can be a pain but that’s any one. As for parenthood, yes it is very challenging and it never gets easy but we do our best to make it work and show our kids what we need to do so they can have a better future.
      thanks again, Anonymous 🙂

  2. Genesis MM

    Hi Lucia!

    I love your post and I admire your courage! Keep it up you will do great!

    • Lucia

      Thanks, so will you too. 🙂

  3. Melissa simpson

    Hi Lucia, its never too late to fulfill our dreams in life the quote “its better late than never” should definitely be our motto.

    • Lucia

      exactly 🙂

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