My topic is the History of Movie Theaters and I don’t have any personal experience that involves many events but I has been so interested in this topic these last days. I went to the movie theater near to my house with my cousin and I had a really nice experience, when I was there I had so many questions coming to my head and one of those questions was who created the movie theaters. As the time has been passing I forgot about that and now that I have to chose a topic I chose this one that was a topic that I left behind but now I want to know all about it.

What I expect my research to do in my talk is to provide me all the information I need and all the information I expect to found. I expect that research provides me new perspectives of what I think It is the history of movie theaters and I want to get good information so I can inform me and also inform my audience in a really good way. I want to get new interesting while doing my research so I can try to found the answers to those new interests and get more information to inform my audience.

If I found information that goes totally against what I was expecting to found I’ll added to my talk just if that information is related to the topic I’m working with. If the information is not related I would just not added to my talk. I think it is better to add new things so you can get more information to make your talk better but just if the information is about your Topic.