Write Out Loud!

Conventions Sep 20 HW Husnain Khan

What, from what you’ve seen so far, are the “ingredients” (also known as “conventions”) of the education narrative genre?

The ingredients/Conventions I seen in the education narratives is that mostly the author tells a story about themselves regards towards their experience with education and writing of how they felt towards it from being young teenagers.Also that the authors that I each read from are telling their perspectives of how they saw education and telling it in a way where we the readers can relate to.

What do you think might be a place to get started with your own education narrative?

My thoughts on getting my own place with getting started with an education narrative would be telling a story about how education has made me feel or perhaps being a young writer and the obstacles which it making it difficult.Also write in a way which readers understand me and that it makes the readers question like why did I write this a certain way instead of the others authors out there.

What are your questions or concerns about writing an education narrative of your own?

My questions or concerns that I would have in order for me to be writing an education narrative would be the finding out the building blocks of where should I begin with my story or how should I present it to the reader.Also what genre I should write my story towards and should I be worrying about not making the same sentences the same or even using the same words just in a different format.

If you like, you can also feel free to share an educational experience you had and ask for feedback from your colleagues (and me) to see if we think that might be a solid place to begin writing.

I guess when I first started school and I seen how different everyone else was from and wondered about being the same as all the other students and fitting in and being accepted.Wondering how all the new teachers and people I meet are going to have an impact on me during my school year.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Good work. Actually, this is a genre all on its own, but you can change how you write it, of course. It can be funny or serious. It can be partly in English and partly in another language if that’s appropriate. It can be a personal story or a rant about the state of education in America. You’re right about the conventions (we’ll talk more in class), but they’re pretty broad, right? You can sort of write this in any way that “works” for you within the conventions of the genre and the limitless creativity of your own mind!

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