Write Out Loud!

Questions from how to read like a Writer-Jorge Rivas

  1. When Mike Bunn says “You are already an author” I think he means that we don’t have to write long stories or poems to be a writer, we are writers because we use our skills to write to communicate. Things that I have write are Essays for high school, Messages for people around me, post for this class and a Ted Talk for another class.
  2. One thing that I notices in the article and that I would like to try to do in my writing is making good choices at the time I write because most of the time when I’m writing I don’t stop for a second to think if what I’m writing is good or not, if I have to change one word for other.
  3. Reading and annotating it stills a little hard for me because I haven’t practiced to much but I believe that with practice I would do it better, by reading and writing this way I learned that when you are doing both at the same time you got more focused in what you are writing and more ideas come to your mind and the reading helps you organize those ideas.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    It does take a little practice if you’ve never really annotated before. But I think you’ll see it’s a great tool. And you’re absolutely right that writing is all about communicating!

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